Enjoy this pic (left) of our three escorts receiving 3 babies in Paris from 3 Air France escorts (in the light blue vests). Our escorts are Carrie Quilici, Dana Rae Alvarez, and Bunny Doi.
The baby in the stroller is the one who became so sick on our flight from Paris to Chicago. She is still in the hospital in ORD but should be going to Ohio very soon.
For AA and AA-TV, sounds like we’ve 2 opportunities:
Escort Volunteers!
After helping with escorts for 48 children in December, our selfless teams are still making a difference for children on the most important and life-changing journey of their lives. Below are a few pictures from escorts in 2016! See picture on left: Cindy Sterling & Danielle DeBeauffort returned from CDG with these two little boys.
Below are pics pf little Ericka from Santo Domingo who is returning to her home and family from life saving heart surgery. The escorts are Cindi Sinkler, ORD F/A, & Ruben Goico, SDQAA AGT. Cindi took Ericka from GRR to MIA and Ruben flew up to MIA from SDQ and met them there. He then took her home to SDQ. He also brought her from SDQ to MIA when she came in October and handed her over to Kim Hart. It is a group effort, but a life changing journey for the kids and volunteers alike!
See article below published by AA in January. We are so grateful for AA’s MilesforKidsinNeed that makes this program possible!