On November 30th, three days after the training Anchorage experienced a major 7.0 earthquake.  Ted Stevens International Airport is still operating but there is damage to the communities. Our thoughts and prayers are with the residents of Anchorage and if you would like to donate for the cause you can make a donation here. 

Andrea Hobart, Director of our Human Trafficking Awareness program  participated at the 3rd training at Anchorage Airport on Tuesday Nov. 27, sponsored by our incredible friends at JOY International. Here is her report:


                                            TED STEVENS ANCHORAGE INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT

   Hosts:        Jeanette Luckey and Lisa Moore, Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport

Speakers:  Dr. Jeff Brodsky, Founder of JOY INTERNATIONAL  http://www.joy.org

Robert S., Director of Global Training and Tactical Operations, JOY INTERNATIONAL

Gwen Adams, Founder/Director, PRICELESS ALASKA   http://www.pricelessalaska.org

Andrea Hobart, AIRLINE AMBASSADORS INTERNATIONAL http://www.airlineamb.org

and Flight Attendant with Alaska Airlines  

I participated in two sessions on human trafficking awareness with an incredible team from ANC, Joy International and Priceless Alaska. It was an honor to be a part of this team, as these individuals spend their lives fighting for the lives and justice of those enslaved in Anchorage and around the world. 

In attendance were local airport workers, law enforcement, ramp agents, airline and airport management and flight operations, flight attendants, customer service agents, vendor workers, wheelchair assistants and many others.

Joy International has a Tactical Operations Team that has extensive background and experience combating human trafficking through rescue operations and the training of law enforcement and task forces globally. This has led to the rescue of thousands of victims of human trafficking worldwide.  This team teaches self-defense to rescue facilities, both to staff and victims of human trafficking and facilitate training sessions for airports, hotels and events. 

Gwen Adams is the director of Priceless Alaska, which is a leading force combating human trafficking in Anchorage and throughout the state of Alaska.  They house survivors of human trafficking, providing care, basic needs, assistance, rehabilitation and more.  Priceless Alaska works hand in hand with law enforcement, including the Anchorage Police Department, assisting in the rescue of survivors.  They also have a team which aids in the prevention of human trafficking incidents by using modern technology.

The focus of these sessions was the importance of being situationally aware in our jobs and every-day lives and understanding the reality of human trafficking today. The speakers provided information to help the audience better understand the warning signs of human trafficking and the necessary protocol of reporting suspected incidents.

A big thanks to Jeanette Luckey and Lisa Moore for their excellent administration and for making this day a huge success.”


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