Because of the MidSummer Celebrations only THREE of the orphans were at the Orphanage Vita at Kalnciema 131 in Riga we arrived on June 22, but the orphanage gratefully accepted the 35 colorful shirts to give to the other children upon return. Thank you so much to Angels of Hope!!!
Paul, Nikita, orphans from the Ukraine only spoke Russian, and Melissa was Latvian but spoke some English. All agreed to write letters to new friends in the United States…..sending them to children associated with Women at the Well Transition Center in Atlanta. See below their letters :
Hi Amari,
My name is Melissa and I live in Latvia. I have crazy hair color – it is blue! I speak three languages – Latvian, Russian and English. I am 14 years old and want to be a friend to you!
Hi Bobby,
My name is Nikita and I live in Latvia. I am 12 years old and I like food, futbol, singing and school. When I grow up I want to ride motorcycles and make fireworks!