Airline Ambassadors Presents Human Trafficking Workshop at DISPAX World London 10-11 June
Airline Ambassadors team presented at the DISPAX World 2014, 2nd International Conference on Unruly Passenger Behavior (in London, UK on 10-11 June 2014) experienced our Human Trafficking Awareness training course specifically designed for flight attendants, pilots and front line aviation industry employees.
![headshot Anna Marie](
Sandy Dhuyvetter, Anna Marie Jensen and Naomi van Duin present AAI’s “Recognize It – Report It” Training to participants.
Victims and perpetrators of human trafficking are not technically unruly passengers, the conference organizers recognize that aircrew may well be the last opportunity to save an individual from entering a life of slavery and/or sexual exploitation and have, therefore, agreed to our course being presented in its entirety. Against that backdrop, with an audience comprising predominantly of airline security managers and aircrew trainers, this conference will provide an opportunity to inform and educate the aviation industry as to the scale of the problem and will provide advice as to how it can play its role in preventing human tragedies taking place that have, in part, been facilitated by air transport. See letter below from Editor, Aviation Security International:
“It’s the day after DISPAX World and I just wanted to let you know that the team you sent to represent Airline Ambassadors did an amazing job yesterday. A truly professional presentation which, I am sure, was greatly appreciated by the delegates.
Can I thank you for agreeing to be represented at DISPAX and for selecting such fantastic ambassadors.”
Philip Baum
Managing Director of Green Light, Ltd.
DISPAX World 2014 website at
New York City, NY – AAI Board member Sandy Dhuyvetter was master of ceremonies for this this year’s ITB event in Berlin Germany commemorating the 25th anniversary of the International Institute for Peace through Tourism First Global Conference: Tourism – A Vital Force for Peace.
The IIPT 25th Anniversary event will pay tribute to 10 “Peace Makers” of the past 100 years; highlight achievements of the Peace through Tourism Movement over the past 25 years; and present IIPT planned “legacy projects” of the 25th anniversary year. The IIPT 25th anniversary commemoration is in support of the “World War I Centenary” with its theme of “No More War” and takes place:
Ms. Dhuyvetter remarked, “I am very honored to be introducing these important peace makers during this time of the 100 year commemoration of World War I. It is a very personal story for me as my father was 12 years old when the invading army came in and took over his home in Belgium.” Dhuyvetter will be returning to Belgium directly after the event to produce a number of short documentaries.
Among the recipients are: Zoltan Somogyi, Executive Director, Program & Coordination, World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), will be a featured speaker and in addition Geoffrey Lipman, President, International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP): Elke Dens, Marketing Director, Visit Flanders; Ivy Chee, Regional Director – East Asia, Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA); and Nigel Pilkington, Director, Public Relations & Communications, Skal International. Speakers will share their perspectives on “Building a Culture of Peace through Tourism.”
IIPT Founder and President said, “IIPT is most proud to support the Great War Centenary with its theme of ‘No More War’ – and to welcome Zoltan Somogyi and other leaders of the travel and tourism industry to our 25th anniversary event. As one of the world’s largest and fastest growing industries, the collective voice of travel and tourism leaders can be a powerful force for peace and justice in the 21st century.”
About IIPT
IIPT is dedicated to fostering and facilitating tourism initiatives that contribute to international understanding and cooperation, an improved quality of environment, the preservation of heritage, poverty reduction, and the resolution of conflict – and through these initiatives, help bring about a more peaceful and sustainable world. IIPT is committed to mobilizing travel and tourism, the world’s largest industry, as the world’s first “Global Peace Industry,” an industry that promotes and supports the belief that “Every traveler is potentially an Ambassador for Peace.”
About Sandy Dhuyvetter TravelTalkMEDIA
Sandy Dhuyvetter is the executive producer and host of TravelTalkRADIO, BusinessTravelRADIO and Breaking Travel News. Sandy also published TravelTalkMEDIA newsletter. The programming is distributed in 185 countries using satellite feeds to radio stations and online streaming, Sandy combines the sparkle of travel with lifestyle trends and today’s news since 2001. Even arm chair travelers will feel Sandy’s insatiable curiosity breathe life into her programs. Guests and topics are relevant and offer a mix of difficult subjects and serious fun. Sandy is also on the board of directors of Airline Ambassadors International Non profit organization.
What: Human Trafficking victims are entering the Bay Area through the region’s airports. This is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. YOU are in a unique position to help identify victims and report incidents to bring rescue. Why: This training will raise situational awareness by teaching both warning signals and approved methods of how to handle a suspected trafficking situation. Who: Airline Ambassadors and Bay Area Anti Trafficking Coalition are partnering to provide training on Human Trafficking awareness in the airline industry. Congresswomen Barbara Lee and Jackie Speier along with Alameda County D.A. Nancy O’Malley will be guest speakers at this event. The training coordinates with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign and has been reviewed by the U.S. Department of State, and U.S. Department of Transportation.
Please invite your colleagues! See below for Media Alert
Please share the information about this training opportunity with your colleagues and invite them to participate!
Enter Terminal Oakland International Airport, Terminal 1 and proceed up the ramp (toward TSA screening)
As you approach the TSA Screening Checkpoint, keep right. Entrance to training room is just to the right of the TSA checkpoint exit lane and will be marked with signage
MEDIA ALERT Date: April 9th, 2014
Media contact: Nancy Rivard (650) 489-5322
UPCOMING TRAINING: Oakland Airport International Airport Personnel with Congresswomen Jackie Speier and Barbara Lee, Alameda D.A. Nancy O’Malley, and ICE: Homeland Security Investigations
Training Date/Time: Tuesday, April 15th from 10:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.
MEDIA: 10-10:30 a.m.; media is welcome for the full training
Location: Terminal 1 Gate 1 Hold Room, Oakland International Airport
TRAINING HOSTS: Airline Ambassadors International & Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition
Springtime and warmer weather increases travel to California and human traffickers are sending adults and children to the State for exploitative work through our region’s three busiest airports. The United States and the State of California have laws to protect victims and penalize perpetrators of human trafficking, which is commonly defined as people profiting from the exploitation of others, controlling them by force, fraud, or coercion.
Since minors currently are not required to carry identification in order to travel by airplanes entering and exiting U.S. airports, traffickers have been trying to use this to their advantage. Cases have been documented in which traffickers have misrepresented themselves as sports coaches, employers and family members of trafficked victims. Airport personnel at ticket counters, gates and other areas of airport operations are in a unique position to be able to identify potential victims and report potential incidents to law enforcement agencies in order to rescue victims and bring traffickers to justice.
Airline Ambassadors International (AAI) is partnering with the Bay Area Anti-Trafficking Coalition (BAATC) to conduct a 90-minute training with Oakland Airport personnel on Tuesday, April 15th, 2014. During this training, airport employees will learn the warning signs to look and listen for to identify victims and perpetrators of human trafficking.
AAI and BAATC completed a training of Mineta San Jose International Airport on January 23rd, 2014 with Congressman Mike Honda. San Francisco International Airport held a similar training in March 2012 in conjunction with Congresswoman Speier.
MEDIA ARE WELCOME FROM 10 a.m.-10:30 a.m. and for the full training
“I commend the Oakland Airport and its partners for coordinating this important training to combat sex trafficking, a heinous crime,” said Congresswoman Barbara Lee. “It is our duty to protect the voiceless men, women and children who are trafficked at an alarming rate in the United States and abroad. By educating airport personnel on key warning signs of sex trafficking, airport workers will be empowered to identify victims, and coordinate their rescue with local law enforcement, thus preventing this form of modern-day slavery.” Congresswoman Barbara Lee
“Human trafficking is modern day slavery and absolutely intolerable,” Speier said. “Trained airline and airport workers at all three major airports in the Bay Area will make it much more difficult for traffickers to bring their victims here. Our message to them is clear: the Bay Area does not tolerate the sale of human beings.“ Congresswoman Jackie Speier
“Human trafficking, by its very nature, is a crime that crosses regional, national and international borders. Training airport personnel to recognize human trafficking and to take action is vital to our joint efforts to combat this form of modern day slavery,” states DA O’Malley. “I applaud the leadership of Congresswomen Speier and Lee, as well as airport and airline officials in this effort. We must all work together to rescue trafficking victims and bring the offenders to justice.” Nancy O’Malley, Alameda County District Attorney
“Increased awareness and education at Oakland Airport cuts off this entry/exit point for traffickers. The U.S. State Dept. has determined that transportation professionals are among the best-placed to identify trafficking situations.” Nancy Rivard, President, Airline Ambassadors
“Airport personnel are our first line of defense. With an increase in human trafficking through the Bay Area and other U.S. airports, we are being proactive. The threat of human trafficking tends to be heightened around major sports and entertainment events. With the Super Bowl coming to Santa Clara in 2016, we want to act now to offset that threat. Betty Ann Boeving, Exec. Director, BAATC
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Airline Ambassador Volunteers will each hand deliver these art sets in July 2014 at Art Day Celebration.
Art Day Celebration (ADC) is a collaborative program of Diakonos International, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, which cultivates and empowers underprivileged and vulnerable children in Haiti. ADC was created to bring healing and restore hope to impoverished and abused children by nurturing their creativity and showcasing their artistry to the world. Its mission is provide children in impoverished communities such as Carrefour, Haiti access to quality artistic activities, including the visual arts, theater, movement and music. Contact
Please help us reach our goal by June 1st, 2014.
You can join this mission personally or sponsor an Art Kit, along with a personal letter to your sponsored child. Each letter will be included in the art box that the child receives.
Your $30 will sponsor a personal art set for 1 of 100 orphans in 5 orphanages in Haiti, giving children the opportunity to feel cared for, and to express themselves, their feelings and their dreams in a creative way by making art. Click HERE
148 front-line airport personnel (mainly flight attendants) joined this training to raise awareness of Human Trafficking for airport/airline personnel in Phoenix, AZ on February 10. 2014.
This training was a partnership with Innocents at Risk and supported by Tamie Fisher, director of Aviation at SkyHarbor airport, Jim Ware, head of the Mayor’s Human Trafficking Task Force and Katie Resendiz of TRUST overseeing Human Trafficking Awareness efforts in the State of Arizona. Trainer Petra Hensley, a survivor of human trafficking from the Czech Republic received a standing ovation from the crowd for her moving testimony. Human Trafficking Hits Home
Check out this LINK to story on CBS TV on Feb. 10, 2014 –
Representatives from 9 airlines attended the 2 hour session.
Shepherd of the Hills Orphanage April 5-9, 2014 Check out this report from our visit last October!
Spend 5 days with the children at the orphanage filled with love, laughter, fun and awesome memories!
If you love children, and want an exceptional experience of a lifetime this is a trip for you! This is a Christian children’s home, the children are so wonderful and they love when we come to visit. You will never forget your experience of this trip, filled with love, laughter and awesome memories. Everyone is welcome…. Husbands, wives, teenagers (spring break for some). The boys there love to play sports, girls love us to do their hair and nails.
After arriving in Manila on your own, the journey begins on April 5 and ends on April 9.
Please contact Cheryl Robinson for more information.517-599-4095
Mission trip to Shepherd of the Hills Children’s Home,
San Antonio, Zambales, Philippines April 5-9
Leave USA April 2-3 (arrive day after you take off from the U.S.) Arrive Manila April 3-4 (this is when you need a hotel)
Day 1 – April 5
Leave hotel for our journey to Zambales 6:30 – 7 am Stop for snack. ( This is not included aprox. $5-10)
Arrive at the children’s home for lunch 12:00pm
Get settled in, meet the children. Take everyone to the beach
Dinner at Shepherd of the hills
Sort out our donations; They will have a welcoming party for us.
Day 2 – April 6
Breakfast at Shepherd of the Hills
Attend church with everyone; Lunch at Shepherd of the Hills
Visiting the children school; Give out the donations that we bring
Graduation party for all the graduates
Activities at Shepherd of the Hills
Day 3 – April 7
Breakfast at Shepherd of the Hills
Sea world water park; Lunch party at McDonalds
Working on a Project donated by us
Dinner at Shepherd of the Hills
Visiting the children in their homes
Day 4 – April 8
Breakfast at Shepherd of the Hills
Market day in town (coming back in a local transport the tricycle)
Older boys take us “Island hopping” in outrigger canoes – including lunch
Dinner at Shepherd of the Hills
Goodbye ceremony to include a bonfire, singing and dancing!!
Day 5 – April 9
River walk to see the sunrise, Leaving for Manila after breakfast.
Lunch en route (not included aprox. $5-10)
Arriving at our hotel in Manila Approximately 3-4 pm
A few extras….making pizza and cookies; Taking a ride in a tricycle: Our activities my change depending on transportation and dates. (This is very close to what we will be doing.)
Day 6 – April 10 in Manila
If we can get transportation we will visit the children who live at the Dump site, a project of our Partner – We Care for Humanity. We will serve the children dinner and take some things that they really need. This is subject to change, and is voluntary if you would like to go along please let me know.
Day 7 – April 11
Last day is a free day….lots of sightseeing, shopping, dining and more within walking distance of our hotel.
Day 8 – April 12
Leave for home….remember the day we leave the day we arrive back in the US
The hotel before and after our trip is not included. You are responsible for getting to and from Manila from the US. I can make your hotel reservation.
In Manila we will stay at the Élan Hotel near Greenhills ( price is $70 per room per night…if shared it’s $35pp breakfast not included. There are many places to eat close to the hotel along or beautiful breakfast at our hotel) this money will be sent to me directly . The hotel is for when we are not at Shepherd of the hills. You will need 1-2 nights before and after the trip.
Price and Registration
Price of the trip per person $600. This money is a tax deductible donation through Airline Ambassadors and all of this will be wired to Shepherd of the Hills Children’s Home.
The price of the trip is per person and is your tax deductible donation. It covers money for the orphanage and they will provide transportation to Zambales, and everything while we are at Shepherd of the Hills (food, transportation, tolls, things needed for a project, beach day for everyone, sea world park, Island hopping, tipping our driver, gas and food for the Mejica family for driving the extra van).
If you’re interested I will need a deposit by Paypal or check to Airline Ambassadors. I will need the remainder $450 before we leave, dates will be provided before we leave. I wire the money ahead of time and send it to Shepherd of the Hills before the trip so they will be prepared for us. You can make your deposit or full payment for the trip HERE
There are many things needed for the children, If you’re interested in the trip I will send you a list of items needed.
Thank you so much!
Cheryl Robinson, Mission Coordinator 517-599-4095 ;