Hungary_large_coa_1849hungary2_1See this Report on the Training from Ministry of Interior regarding Airline Ambassadors Awareness Training in Budapest, Hungary on Oct. 14 & 15, 2015.

Celebration of the 9th EU Anti Trafficking Day

Here are Facebook Posts by the Ministry

Ms Krisztina Berta, Deputy State Secretary for EU and National Anti-Trafficking Coordinator Ministry of Interior opened the conference, followed by remarks by Nancy Rivard, Airline Ambassadors International, Giji Gya, DCAF, Dr. Benedek Mándi, Interpol, Dr. Szonja Szabó, National Bureau of IMG_8691Investigation as well as Hungarian Police.  The idea of training air crew staff and airport personnel is a social innovation in community policing, providing thousands more eyes and ears to recognize and report Human Trafficking.

This was AAI’s 32nd Awareness Training and the 3rd European training.  Trainers include Nancy Rivard, Donna Hubbard and Sandra Hodges. No airline in Europe incorporates training of their personnel.  The AAI team included representatives from the Association of Flight Attendants, Lantos Foundation and FBI.  See More Here










The training was especially relevant given the mass migration of Syrian refugees through Hungary.  Migrant and desperate populations become vulnerable and recipients were very grateful for the warm coats water and food provided by our team at the border. Participants just wished they could do more to ease the human suffering of this humanitarian crisis.  Many thanks for support from the Lantos Institute and LDS Charities.






As well the team visited Szilagyi Erzsebet Gyermekotthon, the same orphanage that AAI visited in 2003 as part of a celebration of the 75th birthday of Congressman Tom Lantos.  The kids loved the Angel, coloring books and adorable T shirts from Angels of Hope and a donation was gratefully received from Lantos Foundation and AAI.

two boysIMG_9589

Upcoming trainings are planned in the Bay Area – Pre SuperBowl at SFO, SJC and OAK, see this coverage from last year, and with a bit more funding in Houston, Atlanta, Boston and Los Angeles.  Stay posted!

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