catalyst-letty-ashworth-290x482Letty Ashworth, the General Manager for Global Diversity at Delta Air Lines, accepted the Blue Heart Award from Airline Ambassadors at the Global Officials of Dignity Awards at the United Nations on June 20, 2014. She works to ensure that Delta continues to set an example for the transportation industry with its efforts to combat human trafficking.

She testified testified along side Airline Ambassadors at the House Subcommittee on Africa, Global health, Global Human Rights, and International Organizations in January, and shared that Delta’s 80,000 employees worldwide – received training and are in prime positions to be eyes and ears to spot potential cases of human trafficking and point them out to law enforcement for action.” Delta, a founding member of the Global Business Coalition Against Human Trafficking, was the first US airline to sign the Code of Conduct for the Protection of Children for Sexual Exploitation in Travel and Tourism.


Cindy and Letty

She joined Cindy McCain and Ambassador Lagon in March for at the Human Rights First Summit in March 2014 See Link HERE   We look forward to working with them and the thousands of other women (and men) who have devoted their lives to putting an end to modern slavery.

Congressman Chris Smith, author of the National Victims Protection Act, sent these words of congratulations:

“I would like to offer my congratulations and appreciation to Delta Airlines and Silver Airways for the corporate responsibility they have taken and the leadership shown in their response to human trafficking.  No airline is immune from abuse by traffickers—but, to date, only a few airlines have decided that they will actively seek to detect victims on their flights.  Only a few airlines have decided that they will be part of trafficking relief and protection.  Thank you, Delta and Silver Airways, for your efforts to set a new airline industry standard of identification and reporting of potential victims.  Nancy and other observant members of flight crews have saved scores of people from disaster and likely death just by being observant and knowing who to call.  And I have no doubt that, as a result of Delta’s and Silver Airway’s new policies, more lives will be saved.”   Congressman Chris Smith




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