Cindy Sterling escorts children from Haiti

Cindy Sterling escorts children from Haiti

Thanks to our selfless medical escorts who volunteer their time for children on life changing journeys.  Below is excerpts from a thank you letter to MIA based  escort, Cindy Sterling:

df43146f-be7e-471b-b2cd-e17d742c4ab3Dear Cindy,

Once again Childspring is indebted to your service.  When told, I was astounded to hear you would start your journey pre-dawn and take six flights to escort Stevencia and Sonn from Haiti to Greenville avoiding an overnight stay!  Your genuine care and concern for the children is an obvious need but your consideration of our budget is remarkable.

Stevencia and Sonn’s journey to healing in the United States is progressing well, yet I particularly want to thank you for your part in setting the tone on their first day . . . a memory they’ll have forever!”

Warm regards,  Susan H Wanserski  Childspring International

and here is another thank you from Chinese Agape foundation.  5 year old Zexi had undergone numerous burn treatments in Cincinnati and DFW FA Yi Shan Lu escorted her fall the way home to Shanghai to be with her family and baby sister.

DFW FA, Yi Shan Lu returns 5 year old Zexi to her family in Shanghai

DFW FA, Yi Shan Lu returns 5 year old Zexi to her family in Shanghai

Yi Shan Lu an Zexi on the airplane

Yi Shan Lu an Zexi on the airplane

“Dear Ms. Margaret and YiShan,

Good morning. Just want you to know that Zexi arrived in Shanghai about seven hours ago. His parents, aunt and his little sister came to meet him at the airport. Zexi still remembers Chinese. His father told me that Zexi understands most of the words, but he combines Chinese words and English words together when he speaks. Most of patients who were at Zexi’s age or older than him didn’t speak any Chinese at all after they came back to China. They didn’t understand what their parents said for some weeks. Zexi’s father is surprised Zexi remembers how to use chopsticks. Zexi is pretty smart and has a good memory.

Thank you for taking Zexi back to his parents. Happy July 4th.

Best regards, Judy Yang, Medical Coordinator, Chinese Agape Foundation Inc.


Jose Redondo escorts child

Jose Redondo escorts child

Guys do this too!! Jose Redondo escorting from the Dominican Republic


Here is a LINK to MORE Summer Stories from recent months

To volunteer as an escort you must be an active or retired airline employee from American Airlines, but we would love to work with other airlines to duplicate this rewarding program.    See this LINK for more on this innovative program for FA’s to give back! AAI_handout_forESCORT_2012AAI_handout_forESCORT_2012BACKSIDE


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