After returning from another very successful trip to the Philippines, I feel so blessed to be part of this program. We spent the first day visiting families who live on a dump site, having no water until now. We raised enough money to provide 75 families with water hook up and almost 3 months of water paid for by us. For one afternoon they forgot some of their disappointments and enjoyed a fun party from McDonalds with great food, fun and games. We brought many gifts and supplies.
The next day we started our journey to Shepherd of the Hills Children’s home, where we were greeted with hand made flower necklaces by the children. Our adventure started with an overnight stay at the beach with all the kids, Island hopping, singing and dancing. We had fun making pizza and cookies all from scratch with the kids. A river walk, swimming in the pool, attending church service, making loom band bracelets, playing basketball, eating a traditional Philippine meal with our hands on a banana leaf, experiencing daily life with the children all while staying at the orphanage.
The big event was a catered Christmas party with all the trimmings including Santa Claus!! We brought Christmas decorations and gifts, and the children decorated. Truly an awesome experience for all and this was a first for most of them. These children are very special to me. It was great to also donate $ to help with one of the teacher’s cancer treatment. Thank you to my team for an amazing trip and thank you Christine for great portraits of the kids…see a few below. Cheryl Robinson Our April trip will be building a playground! Please join us. Contact me, Cheryl Robinson at 517-599-4095 or
“I found this picture (right) on my camera roll when I was going through pictures. I think it was either Rose or Marie who had my phone when this round of pics was taken, but I thought it was cute, especially since she took it secretly and didn’t tell me. Enjoy! Jennifer Johnston