Martine Longchamp, American Eagle flight attendant has actively supported our Children’s Medical Escort program, but she is also committed to helping the orphan and homeless crisis in Haiti. She is founder of Diakonos International which helped create a Family Home called “KOMINOTE TI FANMI NOU de DIAKONOS” (meaning “Our small Community of Family”). The home provides a safe family haven for orphans, abandoned and abused children where they can play, learn, grow and develop into healthy, happy, educated and productive young adults who will become the next generation of Haitian citizens. Located in a rural town of Port-au-Prince called Carrefour, it is home to well over 20 children. Martine led two rewarding missions to support the orphanage this summer. A team in July provided art supplies so the kids could be part of ART DAY celebration -check out video HERE, and returned in September to provide backpacks and school supplies so the children had what they needed before the school year.
“The experience was wonderful. I really enjoyed seeing the children and spending time with them. Learning the culture of Haiti and how we can better help the children” Sheree Kirsh, mission volunteer
“Define who you are and you will find your purpose. Find your purpose and it will cause you to set your goals. Your goals will set you up with an appointment with destiny which in turn will open the doors of opportunity. Walking through these doors will lead you to your destiny and to the fulfillment of your purpose. Once your purpose is fulfilled it will ultimately bring you before your maker for accountability.” (Martine Longchamp)