Human slavery is more prevalent now than at any time in history. In 2012, less than 1% of human trafficking victims were identified. Public education is critical.
AAI has assumed a pivotal role since 2010 when members reported suspected human trafficking on four different commercial flights in just one day. One of those cases led to the break up of a trafficking ring in Boston, saving 82 children.
Traffickers move victims frequently to keep them powerless. Many are moved in plain sight on commercial airlines. The travel industry is a critical link to rescuing victims and there is a growing call to get airlines involved.
Support our global campaign to involve the world’s airlines to stop this monstrous criminal activity. Every dollar donated will enable us to activate more eyes and ears that will save thousands of victims.
Our goal is to raise $6,000 to expand our work in 2014. Support us using our donation page, or directly to the human trafficking program using CROWDRISE.
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Your support will make a huge difference stopping the most critical human rights issue of our time.