For more information re the DVD’s, email angels@airlineamb.org
Recent Press:
Dec. 24, 2013 CBS Channel 5 Phoenix Their Job is to Keep you Safe
Dec. 4, 2013 Channel 9 News Washington DC Airlines Raise Awareness to Fight Human Trafficking
Nov. 23, 2013 CNN News Airline Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking
Anti-Trafficking Awareness Training
For Flight Attendants, Gate Agents and Sky Harbor Airport Personnel
February 10, 2014
Where: Doubletree Suites, 320 N. 44th Street, Phoenix
When: 12:30pm complimentary buffet lunch; Training Session 1-2 pm
What: Human Trafficking – the buying and selling of women, girls and boys – is the fastest growing criminal enterprise in the world. It is a form of modern day slavery. Victims are held against their will and are controlled by others, often times violently.
Why: U.S. airports are major hubs of entry and exit for perpetrators and their victims. The U.S. Department of State has determined that transportation professionals are among the best-placed to identify trafficking situations. This training will raise situational awareness by teaching both warning signals and approved methods of how to handle a suspected trafficking situation.
Who: Airline Ambassadors and Innocents At Risk, two organizations based in Washington DC, have been advocating for awareness in the airline industry. They have presented four times at the US Congress and Airline Ambassadors “Recognize It Report It” training has been provided at 20 airports and other locations so far. The training is validated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, U.S. Department of State, U. S. Department of Transportation, and supported by U.S. Department of Justice, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Delta Airlines has incorporated the Blue Lightening protocol into the training of flight attendants, American Airlines incorporated the issue of human trafficking in crew manuals since 2010 and other airlines are following suit as well.
For more information on either group:
https://oldsite.airlineamb.org/ http://www.innocentsatrisk.org/
Airline and airport personnel are invited to attend free-of-charge with a confirmed Reservation. Space limited to 100 guests.
The training is complimentary, but a Reservation is Necessary for Admittance.
To request a Reservation, RSVP to angels@airlineamb.org
Provide your Name, Employer, Job description, email address and phone number.
You will receive a Confirmation email prior to February 1, 2014