Sandy Dhuyvetter, a board member of Airline Ambassadors designed the Boba Fett helmet and costumes for the famous George Lucas Film – Star Wars and was invited on the “Taking Jordan by Storm” tour of Jordan to celebrate the opening of the film there, along with Star Wars designer Lorne Peterson and Hector Cruz and Rich Appendzeller in their Storm Troopers 501st costumes and official photographer, George Powell. While there she identified a project for Airline Ambassadors: See her note below:
Perhaps the most memorable stop on our voyage across Jordan was to the SOS Orphanage Village in Aqaba were we autographed photos of costumes and models that both Lorne and I had worked on for George Lucas.
I was particularly interested in the SOS model because as a board member of Airline Ambassadors International, I was curious to see if we could help with a visit to the orphanages in Jordan and in some small way make their tasks easier.
The SOS model is to create a family home for each child. Children who grow up at a SOS orphanage do so with an SOS mother or SOS parents, and sisters and brothers. The SOS aunts (directors), who are part of the village, support SOS mothers in caring for their children. In turn, SOS families are part of supportive communities. These communities are called SOS Children’s Villages. The one in Aqaba had 9 houses in the village.
We had fun playing and visiting with the children. Watching their excitement as they met the Storm Troopers was worth the trip to Jordan, I seriously wanted to take each one home. However, seeing the SOS operation, we were certain their children’s high success rate into the society was due to a real understanding and implementation of an effective and thriving business model. A worldwide organization and I hope that 2017 will bring much success and happiness to every house in all the SOS villages…Inshallah.
Airline Ambassadors will offer to their members, a tour of Jordan in May during one of the most beloved dates for Star Wars fans, May the 4th. During this tour we will be visiting film locations in Jordan and also the SOS orphanage to donate time and supplies.
If you are interested in this trip, please contact us regarding: AAI Jordan 2017 Taking Jordan by Storm Tour at Airline Ambassadors International at:
More information about the 2017 Taking Jordan by Storm coming soon.