Kavita at Nationals

Kavita Nanavati is an AAI human trafficking awareness trainer and also the reigning Mrs. District of Columbia USA Ambassadors title holder, and her platform is Human Trafficking Awareness.  She competed for the title for Mrs. U.S.A. Ambassador at the 2018 U.S.A. Ambassadors Nationals event in Palm Harbor, Florida on July 29th, 2018.

The U.S.A. Ambassador Pageant is a charity driven organization, and its pageant contestants are selected from those women that best represent the program’s motto of “SLICC”: success through leadership, integrity, character, and confidence. The program was founded to promote each contestant’s individual strength, and encourage its queens, contestants, and families to be involved in their communities and serve as ambassadors. To date, the U.S.A. Ambassador Pageant has donated to over 20 different charity organizations across the country. During this year’s Nationals, Kavita competed in the individual talent and evening wear events, and won the award for “most naturally photogenic” contestant within her division.
Kavita also participated at our pre- SuperBowl training at MSP Airport, led fundraising efforts at our fundraiser with JustAsk in Washington last month and helped co-host our AAI Reunion in June.  We are so grateful  to have her part of our team!  
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