Here are some pictures from escorts of orphans from Ukraine and Poland on their way home after winter holidays in the U.S. with host families.   Picture below Carrie Quilici, PHX F/A and the 3 boys she accompanied from SEA to ORD on Saturday.

Below are a couple of pics of one of the Polish boys Carolyn Moreland  (ORDAA F/A) escorted.  In the second pic, she is the blonde on the right. One of the crew F/A’s on left.

 Knowing and understanding that these children have been a part of the lives of their families here, I always send pics when we are on the airplane and when we get there to help them with the transition they are going through.These boys are Ruslan, Feder and Yevhenii.           Susan Bort, retired DFW FA escorted the little cutie in purple below. 
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