In October – Nov 2018 Saber Rock traveled to Afghanistan to set up our Airline Ambassadors office, deliver humanitarian aid, and begin projects to help make Afghanistan great again!

Saber Rock, Nancy Rivard and Congressman Chris Smith
Saber joined AAI’s Board of Advisor’s in July. His film won the “Most Inspiring Documentary” and also “Most Exceptional Human Being” Award at the 2017 Hollywood Movie Awards. Here is the movie trailer.
Saber established an Airline Ambassadors office in Kabul and also signed an agreement to work with Rana University as an international Adviser of Western countries.
He is a celebrity in Afghanistan and made several TV appearances on the trip including Tolo, Ariana and Khursheed television shows. Public exposure alerted the Taliban and also put him in danger. When he began a distribution of shoes on behalf of Airline Ambassadors to delighted children, he received warning just in time and narrowly escaped a suicide bomber coming to kill him.
Thank you Rock for bravery and commitment!
Here is some background.: Saber was a young battle hardened veteran when he was assigned to work with a small hand-picked team of U.S. Marines deployed to Helmand Province, one of the most violent regions in Afghanistan. Their mission was to drive a wedge between the Taliban and the Afghan villagers. All of their communication would have to pass through Rock, making him the lynchpin for winning over the hearts and minds of the Afghan people. The “Rock” became the critical link between insurgents and our country for over 11 years and counting, as Rock is still committed to helping his country transform into a nation that respects and educates its citizens. General Allen, his USMC Commander, said; “He has an indomitable spirit”.
Although Saber Rock could have continued with his high paying and safe job as Chancellor of Kabul University, he chose instead to help his country during war and exposed himself as a rare patriot. Although our society measures capacities for worth by college degrees and the attainment of high posts, Saber’s will to contribute to a better nation despite personal danger while exhibiting, love, humor, energy and commitment is a character that you too will certainly recognize and envy. He has a command of seven middle eastern languages and has an undeniable charisma that makes him a brother to everyone he meets.
Note: In 2009 Airline Ambassadors signed an MOU with the Humanitarian Affairs Division of the U.S. Armed Forces. We look forward to humanitarian initiatives with with his expertise and support to help orphans and vulnerable children in Afghanistan.