• Our Human Trafficking Prevention
    program educates on human trafficking
    awareness at home and abroad
  • Our Humanitarian Missions
    Program provides for orphans
    and vulnerable children.
  • Our Medical Escort Program
    helps children travel in order
    to undergo life-changing surgery.

AAI is partnering with Maiden Voyage, a free social network for Women Business Travelers.  For ladies who travel alone and want to meet locals, take a look at Maiden Voyage,  http://www.maiden-voyage.com.  This unique business  enables women to travel knowing there are other local women who are anxious to meet them in visiting cities.  Meet like-minded professional women for dinner around the world, stay in female friendly hotels and use our safety tips to ensure your business trip is safe & social. Register free

Founded by Carolyn Pearson,who also believes that everyone in the travel industry has a responsibility to help stop the trafficking of children and women into the dark life of prostitution. Hear her interview r

I also wanted to let you know that we are running a survey and some research into women’s business traveller safety, and for every response we get I will be making an donation to Airline Ambassadors, see https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/6K57KQ8  do feel free to share this with any professional women that you think would have something interesting to say on the subject.


Carolyn Pearson, founder of Maiden-Voyage

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approx 35 min
A Free Social Network for Women Business Travellers
Ladies who travel alone and want to meet the locals, take a look at Maiden-VoyageCarolyn Pearson, founder of Maiden-Voyage, is a business that enables women to travel knowing there are other local women who are anxious to meet them in visiting cities. Carolyn also discusses the idea that taxis have a responsibility to help stop the trafficking of children and women into the dark life of prostitution . Take a listen and visit the Web site .


Please donate your unused or soon to be expired United Miles to the Airline Ambassadors International Mileage Bank.
Support our efforts on Human Trafficking Awareness Training..
Copyright 2015 Airline Ambassadors International. Legal. Website maintained by Dan Byrne