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AAI President, Nancy Rivard and trainers  Sandi Fiorini  and Naomi Van Duin will participate at the 3rd INTERPOL Conference on Trafficking in Human Beings in Lyon France November 2014.

“ What an honor to be invited to present our airline initiative to the Interpol Conference with top human trafficking experts from around the world”.  said Sandi Fiorini, after AAI’s presentation last year.

Purpose of the 3rd INTERPOL Trafficking in Human Beings Conference is to promote and enhance international police cooperation and support member countries in understanding new trends within THB and is made possible due to support by the AbuDhabi Judicial Dept.

Secretary General Ronald K. Noble and the French Minister for Women’s Rights, Najat Vallaud-Belkacem, opened the event in 2013, which brought  together 150 law enforcement and non-governmental experts from nearly 50 countries.

ND88504 Sandy, Knut and Nancy Sandy follows up ND40813

I am very pleased to have opened this conference as INTERPOL is highly mobilized and committed to fighting human trafficking, a transnational challenge confronting all countries and human rights, women’s rights in particular, are at stake.” said Minister Vallaud-Belkacem.

A key theme at the conference is how through new technology, human trafficking has become a multi-billion dollar industry, with the Internet, social networks and mobile phones providing new avenues for sexual exploitation and abuse, and used by traffickers to recruit and sell their victims, or to attract potential customers.

INTERPOL Secretary General Noble said that these same technologies hold equal opportunities for law enforcement to access intelligence and raise awareness, to help identify victims and take preventative measures.

To take advantage of this, we need to change our habits, to break out of isolation, to share and exploit any piece of information available, anywhere in the world,” said Mr Noble. “

Airline Ambassadors was acknowledged in the official press release and report on the event which was a huge acknowledgement of our innovation in educating airline and transportation personnel.

AA ND40912 Conference opens at Interpol conference opening

AAI has provided public awareness training’s at over 20 airport and other locations so far. See story here: ttp://

Bravo to the NGO Terre des Hommes whose amazing work with the computer animated “Sweetie”, identified 1,000 perpetrators in just two months. Their files were turned over to Interpol on Nov. 4th,with amazing potential for global law enforcement response in 2014.

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