AAI’s President Nancy Rivard presented to the United Nations General Assembly on June 23, 2017.  See invitation and presentation below


Dear Ms. Rivard,

On behalf of the Office of the President of the General Assembly, I have the honour to invite you to participate as an expert speaker in the informal interactive multi-stakeholder hearing on Trafficking in Persons to be held in 23 June 2017, at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

This multi-stakeholder hearing is being convened in support of the preparatory process towards the High-level Plenary Meeting to appraise the progress achieved in the implementation of the Global Plan of Action in order to assess achievements, gaps and challenges, including in the implementation of the relevant legal instruments.

As poverty, inequality, humanitarian emergencies, sexual violence, gender discrimination, social exclusion, as well as violence against women, youth and children are, among others, the factors for human trafficking in our world today, an understanding of these factors and of existing normative, policy and legal instruments, as well as of tailored responses to these in a manner that serves the needs and expectations of trafficked persons and countries, is of fundamental importance. We hope that some of the key messages emanating from this informal hearing will assess achievements, gaps and challenges, in the implementation of the Global Plan of Action and the implementation of the relevant legal instruments.

I am convinced that the third panel on “Trafficking in persons in the context of the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda” would greatly benefit from your participation.

Sincerely yours,
Grace Angeles

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