took place on Friday, November 9, 2018 – United Nations

Airline Ambassadors was honored to participate in this event on eradicating Human Trafficking.   Our star trainer, Donna Hubbard –  received a standing ovation!

Opening remarks were made by E. Archbishop Bernardito Auza, Apostolic Nuncio & Permanent Observer of the Holy See to the United Nations and Clarissa Gingrich, U.S. Ambassador to the Holy See.  Deborah O’Hara Rusckowski, delegate for the Sovereign Order of Malta Mission to the UN moderated the excellent event.  Nancy Rivard, President of AAI also participated sharing progress made by the aviation industry in the fight against human trafficking.   














Remarks also by 

  • E. Michel Veuthey, Ambassador of the Sovereign Order of Malta to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons
  • E. Geraldine Byrne Nason, Permanent Representative of the Mission of Ireland to the UN
  • E. Martin Garcia Moritan, Permanent Representative of the Mission of Argentina to the UN
  • E. Christian Wenaweser, Permanent Representative of the Mission of Liechtenstein to the UN
  • Simone Monasebian, Director of Office of Drugs & Crime, UNODC
  • Kevin Hyland, Chief Executive of ChildFund, Ireland and member of the Vatican’s Santa Marta Group
  • Vinicius Pinheiro, Special Representative to the UN and Director of the International Labour Organization (ILO)
  • Cindy McCain, Chair, McCain Institute for International Leadership
  • Donna Hubbard, Women at the Well Transition Center, Airline Ambassadors Trainer
  • Nancy Rivard, Airline Ambassadors – report on efforts in aviation industry
  • Cathy Miller, RN, PHD – report on efforts in health care sector
  • Angel Menendez – DHS – ICE -report on efforts in law enforcement

Co-sponsored by the Permanent Missions of Lebanon and Ireland

and the Permanent Observer Missions of the Holy See and the Sovereign Order of Malta to the UN


The goal of the meeting was to Form a “anti-human trafficking worldwide group”, whose synergy more successfully impacts the areas of fighting all forms of human trafficking–sexual exploitation, forced labor and organ harvesting for working towards a common goal. Through the various talents, skill sets, and contacts, a multi-level effort will simultaneously work from the bottom up and the top down to ultimately change attitudes & behavior to recognize the crime and take action. Need to gain support and involvement to strengthen, raise the level and ‘professionalize’ our responses to eradicating human trafficking. 

STRATEGY: To drive delivery to ending human trafficking and modern slavery:

Through a focus driven initiative of a multi-disciplinary team:

  • Governmental Agencies – Homeland Security, Criminal Justice, Law Enforcement
  • Private Sector – Business, Airline Industry, Sports Industry, Hospitality Industry
  • Healthcare Sector
  • Education/Academia Sector
  • Non-Government Agencies
  • Faith Groups
  • UN Agencies

Nancy’s remarks on Airline Industry Response:

“The airline industry has taken substantial steps to combat human trafficking – but more is needed. 

Because of our efforts and support of the flight attendant unions the FAA Re authorization Act of 2016 was passed in the U.S, mandating training on human trafficking for all flight attendants. 

Earlier this year the International Civil Aviation Authority issued Circular 352 recommending training of flight crew at all global airlines, and the International Air Transport Association joined forces launching the Eyes Wide Open Campaign, 

In the US Delta airlines stands out as lead, the first airline to sign the ECPAT Code in 2013. However more than basic on-line training is needed and Airline Ambassadors is working with the Department of Transportation to encourage all airlines to have training staff cover this in live annual recurrent training of flight attendants and pilots. American Airlines has been supportive of our efforts, (also signing the ECPAT Code in 2017) and hired two trafficking survivors.

However we sent a letter to all airline CEO’s in March 2017 (in support of Sustainable Development Goal 8.7) and not one US airline CEO responded to our request to add a clause their human trafficking policies to be willing to train and hire trafficking survivors. We need your support and public pressure on this issue.  

Globally, Air Asia, Sky Regional, Air Emirates and Qatar Airlines have made a commitment to train, but despite some effort by Aer Lingus, Copa and Al Nippon, most global airlines have done nothing and need to take action on this issue.

Airline Ambassadors continues to raise public awareness and we have provided 75 Airport training’s so far with our teams of aviation professionals and survivors training over 7000 front line professionals. 

We are proud of our star trainer Donna Hubbard who has become a leading voice in the industry and together we are looking forward to partnering with Hartsfield Jackson International Airport and the NFL to provide training before the SuperBowl on January 29, 2019.



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