Cartagena HOLIDAY Party

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Christmas is a time of giving, a time of sharing, come join Airline Ambassadors as we continue to put smiles on kids faces of kids for more than 20 years! Dec 12-15!

This December we partner with SACSA (Cartagena airport) to improve the quality of life of people in Barrio San Francisco in Cartagena, Colombia.

Our team is exploring one of the oldest colonial cities in Latin America and doing a good deed in this holiday season, Bienvenido a Cartagena!

Here is an overview and pics of Day 1:

Our AAI team met with Alex Velasco, director of Social outreach and Consuelo Ramirez SACSA vice chairman at the airport.  Afterwards traveled to la Cancha el Guiro, barrio San Francisco, and joined by Osvaldo from Fundación Mamoral, and the girls from the kickball program.  We painted and cleaned the surrounding area of the field, finally meet with Vleiber the head of Civil program of el Barrio.


Wednesday – December 12

Arrival and transportation to Zana Hotel Boutique
Dinner at Basilica pizzeria cafe 6 pm
Get together and get to know all the volunteers
Thursday – December 13
7 30 am transportation to airport
8 am 12 pm transportation to barrio San Francisco for environmental clean-up project.
1 -230 lunch at airport restaurant with SASCA
3pm to 6pm free time
700 pm dinner at la Cocina de Pepina
9 00 carriage ride downtown
Friday – December 14
730 am transport to airport
8 am to 12 pm Holiday Christmas party and sports game
2 -4 pm going to Castle del Morro sightseeing and Pastellillo Castle
Night Chiva tour follow by dancing at Bazurrto
Saturday – December 15
Optional tour to Baru beach and the islands See story of past trips here

Save your space now with a $100 deposit.         Reserve the entire trip for $400 or pay $300 balance due after deposit.

Jose Redondo Raffo, one of of our most incredible humanitarians, will lead the team.   He has been active helping our brothers and sisters from other countries like Peru, Puerto Rico, Honduras, Mexico and Guatemala.   On Sept 14 and 15  he joined  a team from SACSA (Airport administration) continue a commitment to help Barrio San Francisco.

They taught the kids the value of the environment and how they could use everyday materials to built a vertical garden.  Working together with young students from the School Corazón de Maria, they built a Vertical Garden.

Cartagena in September

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Join Jose Redondo (one of our most beloved mission leaders) in Cartagena Colombia in September!

We provided Trafficking Awareness Training at Raphael Nunez Airport and the airport administration (SASCA) introduced us to projects in communities nearby where there are children in much need.  Please join us at this historic city full of old world charm for a true “journey of the heart.” See a link to our last trip
Here’s our tentative itinerary
Thursday, Sept 13
Travel to Cartagena  AA has daily flights from MIA arriving at 5:45
Get settled in hotel Dinner with volunteers
Friday: Sept 14:
12:00 pm to 2;00 pm welcome at Airport with SACSA management
2;00 to 2:30pm transportation to barrio San Cristobal
230 to:430 pm  together with the kids that recieved scholarship to study english we will be contructing a vertical garden.
630pm transportation to aiport
Dinner at pizza place by hotel
Saturday  Sept 15:
9;00 am airport, meet transfer to Barrio San Cristobal
930 am to 1030 am:  meet to read books ans histories to kids.
1030 to 1200 sport part play soccer with kids.
12;00 to 1230 pm closing ceremonies
afternoon city tour
Sunday, Sept 16
Departure…or optional trip to beach and Cartagena Island
$450 includes donation to SASCA and breakfast, lunch, dinner and accommodations at Zana Boutique Hotel – Shared room
Click the following links:
Pay Balance Here               $350
Pay for Entire Trip              $450
Questions? Contact Jose at or 619-395-0175


Mission to Cartagena

Monday, March 12, 2018

Following our human trafficking awareness training at Cartagena International Airport in 2017  we were introduced to the projects of SACSA – the Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa SA  to support the vulnerable children in Barrio San Francisco (near the airport) so vulnerable to sex trafficking. Our team was moved by these projects we promised to return to help the local children.
March 8-11, 2018 our AAI team returned to spend an unforgettable weekend mission in the beautiful Colonial city of Cartagena.  We distributed T Shirts from Angels of Hope, school supplies and hygiene amenities and Youth for Human Rights curriculum for children of the SACSA program.  Jose Redondo, as team leader also led a class on human trafficking awareness which was very well received.  The following day we delivered more supplies and challenged the kids to a game of soccer. SACSA provided lunch for all the kids.
See below some of the pictures from our rewarding and inspiring trip that included also enjoying some of the local sights and even beaches! See write up on the area in Cartagena in the AA In Flight Magazine 
We look forward to returning to Colombia and increasing our positive impact on this community.  For updates contact Mission Coordinator Jose Redondo at 


With an estimated 35,000 sexually exploited minors in Colombia, child prostitution is a widespread and lucrative industry. And, as symbolized by the sentencing last year of an Italian pedophile, the first such conviction in Colombia, “sex tourism” involving children has grown alongside the licit tourist industry in popular destinations like Cartagena.

In a three-part video series, “Children of the Wall,” El Espectador takes a look at the prostitution of children in Cartagena. The colonial city is best known as a stopover for Caribbean cruises, attracting between 400,000 and 700,000 tourists a year. But not all visitors come with good intentions.

Last year Cartagena officially registered 400 cases related to the sexual exploitation of minors, according to the Prosecutor General’s Office. The number of unreported cases is likely to be much more.

El Espectador identified three common business models for child prostitution rings in the city. The first is brothels, where young girls either live or are contracted out by day. Some sex dens are sophisticated enough to provide girls with fake IDs once they begin work, but not all brothels are as organized. As o

bserved by General Ricardo Restrepo, chief of police for Cartagena, there have

been some cases of mothers hiring out their daughters for 15,000 pesos (about$8), which includes payment for using a roomin their own house.

Another common form of child prostitution is known colloquially as ‘pre-pagos,’ or escort services, which involve minors working with pre-arranged clients, sometimes organized through marriage or dating websites. Girls may also be deployed by pimps to bars and clubs, in an attempt to target wealthy, often foreign, potential clients.

The third is perhaps the most informal form of prostitution: girls from broken homes in working-class neighborhoods who are coerced by neighbors or acquaintances into selling sexual favors, for fees as low as 2,000 or 5,000 pesos (between US$1.70 and US$2.70).

Prevention in Cartagena

Friday, July 7, 2017

AAI partnered with UNODC to provide training in Cartagena Colombia law enforcement and airport personnel at Cartagena’s Airport on July 21, 2017

This training was made possible with support of the Girls Rights FoundationTraining team includes Carlos Perez of UNODC, survivor Marcella Loaiza and Andrea Bravo of the Marcella Loaiza Foundation, Alma Valadez and Jose Redondo. The team visited with local NGO identified by SACSA to see programs for children most vulnerable to child exploitation.

Cartagena is known as a sex tourism destination in the America’s – We applaud the efforts of our colleague Operation Underground Railroad for staging a dangerous rescue here in 2014.




We continued to visit the projects of SASCA supporting the girls and boys vulnerable to sexual Exploitation…See this THANK YOU from the kids and see pics below

Read this report from Insight Crime:

RawFeed: Child Prostitution in Cartagena

With an estimated 35,000 sexually exploited minors in Colombia, child prostitution is a widespread and lucrative industry. And, as symbolized by the sentencing last year of an Italian pedophile, the first such conviction in Colombia, “sex tourism” involving children has grown alongside the licit tourist industry in popular destinations like Cartagena.

In a three-part video series, “Children of the Wall,” El Espectador takes a look at the prostitution of children in Cartagena. The colonial city is best known as a stopover for Caribbean cruises, attracting between 400,000 and 700,000 tourists a year. But not all visitors come with good intentions.

Last year Cartagena officially registered 400 cases related to the sexual exploitation of minors, according to the Prosecutor General’s Office. The number of unreported cases is likely to be many, many more.

El Espectador identified three common business models for child prostitution rings in the city. The first is brothels, where young girls either live or are contracted out by day. Some sex dens are sophisticated enough to provide girls with fake IDs once they begin work, but not all brothels are as organized. As observed by General Ricardo Restrepo, chief of police for Cartagena, there have been some cases of mothers hiring out their daughters for 15,000 pesos (about $8), which includes payment for using a room in their own house.

Another common form of child prostitution is known colloquially as ‘pre-pagos,’ or escort services, which involve minors working with pre-arranged clients, sometimes organized through marriage or dating websites. Girls may also be deployed by pimps to bars and clubs, in an attempt to target wealthy, often foreign, potential clients.

The third is perhaps the most informal form of prostitution: girls from broken homes in working class neighborhoods who are coerced by neighbors or acquaintances into selling sexual favors, for fees as low as 2,000 or 5,000 pesos (between US$1.70 and US$2.70).

Our team was so moved by these projects we made a decision to return to help the local children and support the human trafficking awareness in the airline community…We are planning another visit on December 15 when American Airlines inaugurates a new route Miami – Cartagena on December 15, 2017.  See this video at one of the projects and pics below of the soccer program.  Projects were identified with the support of SACSA – the Sociedad Aeroportuaria de la Costa SA








Cartagena is a beautiful and historic city and we had some fun too – traveling to make a difference!

2019 Calendar of Missions

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Here is a list of the upcoming AAI missions for 2019

Itineraries for each trip will be out soon and for more information contact coordinators below or


6-8 Romania , Human Trafficking Awareness training for US Embassy in Bucharest  

Nepal –  30 – April 11  Dr. Kate Jewell; 


Guatemala ; Marie Rivard 

Philippines April 29 – May 6  Jamie Park; 


Nepal – May 29-June 10 Dr. Kate Jewell; 

USA Behavioural Analysis 2019 conference in Minneapolis (21-23 May.


Colombia – Cartagena –  Jose Redondo;

Nepal – Kate Jewell   Dr. Kate Jewell; 


Haiti Art Day July 18 – 21 Martine Longchamp


South Africa – Cheryl Robinson 


Haiti – Back to School – Martine Longchamp 

Nepal – Kate Jewell   Dr. Kate Jewell; 


Philippines – Cheryl Robinson; 


Nepal – Kate Jewell   Dr. Kate Jewell; 


Colombia – Cartagena – Jose Redondo;

Timeline of Trainings & Presentations

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Overview and Timeline regarding efforts on Human Trafficking:

Airline Ambassadors International (AAI) has led global airline industry awareness for Trafficking in Persons (TIP) since 2009 and has developed the first industry specific training. AAI provides for vulnerable communities by leveraging partnerships with the airline industry and is comprised of over 16,000 airline employees who “travel to make a difference”.

AAI is the only organization conducting live Counter-Trafficking in Persons (C-TIP) Training at airports. As of January 2018, AAI has conducted 91 C-TIP Events that now link over 7,000 front line air transport professionals with law enforcement. As each flight attendant interacts with a minimum of

500 passengers per week for hours at a time, AAI C-TIP trainees are capable of monitoring over 168,000,000 passengers per year! If all 200,000 Members from the U.S. based Association of Professional Flight Attendants alone were trained, they can effectively monitor over 5.2 billion passengers. According to ICAO 3.7 billion passengers flew in 2016.

First there was two Congressional Briefings, and when airlines did not respond, AAI began providing our Counter-Trafficking In Persons (C-TIP) Program in Airports. Here is the timeline:

2010 July – Washington DC, AAI Congressional Briefing to Airlines with Congressman Chris Smith

2010 October – Washington DC, AAI Congressional Briefing to Embassies with Congressman Joe Pitts

 AAI Training and Presentations

  1. 2011 Jan. – DFW, Traffic 911, APFA, AFA, PNH Haiti, Pre-Super Bowl Training
  2. 2011 Jan.Miami, PNH Haiti, U.S. Southern Command TIP Presentation
  1. 2011 May – IAD, Governor McConnell and IAD signing of VA Trafficking Bills and Training
  2. 2011 June – Washington DC, Testimony House Committee on Foreign Affairs
  3. 2011 Sept. – Sacramento – ITMI (International Tourism and Management Intl) Training
  4. 2012 Nov. – Honolulu, HNL Training
  5. 2012 Jan. – SFO, with Congresswoman Jackie Spears, Training
  6. 2012 March – DCA, with Rep. Chris Smith and Joe Pitts, Training
  7. 2012 Apr. – SFO ITMI International Tourism and Management HQ, Staff Training
  8. 2012 Sept. – Indianapolis, Travelers Aid International Conference Training
  9. 2013 Jan – MSY, Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport Training
  10. 2013 May – Washington DC, Embassy of Ukraine, Presentation with Ambassador Motsyk, Rep. Smith -Presentation
  11. 2013 June – Kiev, Ukraine, Ministry of Infrastructure at OSCE with Rep. Smith, Training
  12. 2013 Oct. – Interpol, Human Trafficking Conference in Lyon, Presentation
  13. 2013 Sept – ASIS, Chicago, Security Conference presentation with DHS Presentation
  14. 2014 Jan. – Washington DC, Testimony, House Committee on Foreign Affairs Testimony
  15. 2014 Jan. – SJC, San Jose, California with Congressman Honda, Training
  16. 2014 April – 2014 Oakland, California with Congresswoman Barbara Bell, Training
  17. 2014 April – Washington DC, AAI Members, ECPAT Signing (1st NGO to sign ECPAT Code)
  18. 2014 April – Washington DC at United Nations Foundation Train the Trainers Session Training
  19. 2014 June  – London, DISPAX Conference Training
  20. 2014 June – Humanitarian Summit Presentation, United Nations, NY
  21. 2014 Sept. – SAC, Sacramento International Airport Authority Training
  22. 2014  Feb. – PHX, Phoenix, AZ pre-Super Bowl Training
  23. 2014 Aug – Tampa, FL, TPA with Innocents at Risk Training
  24. 2014 Oct. – Chicago, ORD, Safe Conference Training
  25.  2014 Dec. – Alexandria VA, Spectrum Group staff, TIP Awareness in Airline Industry  Presentation
  26. 2015 Jan. – MSP, Airport Police Minneapolis International Airport Group 1 Training
  27. 2015 Jan. – MSP, Airport Police Minneapolis International Airport Group 2 Training
  28. 2015 Feb. – ORD, Chicago O’Hare Intl. Airport, Dept. of Aviation Chicago, Group 1 Training
  29. 2015 Feb. –  ORD, Chicago O’Hare Intl. Airport, Dept. of Aviation Chicago, Group 2 Training
  30. 2015 Apr. – Las Vegas Association of Flight Attendants Board of Directors Training
  31. 2015 April – Las Vegas, NV, Train the Trainers at LAS Training
  1. 2015 June – EWR, Newark International Airport, Association of Flight Attendants Training
  2. 2015 July – DFW, Dallas Ft. Worth Airport, Association of Professional Flight Attendants Training
  3. 2015 Oct. – Budapest, Hungary with Government of Hungary Training 
  4. 2015 Oct. – Budapest, Hungary with Government of Hungary Training
  5. 2016 Jan. – San Francisco International Airport Training pre-Super Bowl Training
  6. 2016 Jan. – San Francisco International Airport pre-Super Bowl Training
  7. 2016 Jan. – San Jose Norman Minetta International Airport pre-Super Bowl Training
  8. 2016 Jan. – San Jose Norman Minetta International Airport pre-Super Bowl Training
  9. 2016 Jan. – Oakland International Airport, pre-Super Bowl Training
  10. 2016 Feb. – Dulles Airport Managers, Training
  11. 2016 April – Dutch Government, Amsterdam Schipol Airport, KLM and Airport Presentation
  12. 2016 May – Dallas, Regional Airlines Association Annual Conference, Presentation
  13. 2016 June – Riga Latvia, AVSEC Conference on In Flight Emergency Response Training
  14. 2016 Aug 24 – Bogota, Colombia International Airport, Ministry of Interior and UNODC Training
  15. 2016 Aug. 30 – Las Vegas International Airport Training
  16. 2016 Aug. 31 – San Diego International Airport Training
  17. 2016 Oct. 2 – DFW, Critical Incidence Response Team, American Airlines Training
  18. 2016 Oct. 14 – Dulles International Airport Training
  19. 2016 Sept. 21 – University of District of Colombia Training
  20. 2016 Oct. 25 – Houston International Airport with Rep. Lee’s Commendation Award and Training
  21. 2016 Nov. 1 – Dallas, American Airlines Training Staff, AA Flagship University Training
  22. 2016 Dec. 2 – Jamaica, Kingston, Shamere McKenzie Training
  23. 2017 Jan. 26 – Houston, Hobby Airport Pre Super Bowl, Trainers Accreditation Seminar Training
  24. 2017 Jan. 27 – City Council Nassau Bay – Pre-Super Bowl Training Training
  25. 2017 May 3 – Jackson-Hartsfield Atlanta International Airport GA Training
  26. 2017 May 18 – Anchorage, Ted Stevens International Airport Training
  27. 2017 May 23 – Vienna Academie Diplomatique UNODC Presentation
  28. 2017 May 25 – Vienna, Side Event for Commission on the Prevention of Crime, Presentation
  29. 2017 June 7 – Dallas, National Conference Traveler’s Aid – Presentation
  30. 2017 June 15 – Kingston International Airport Training
  31. 2017 June 15 – Kingston International Airport Training
  32. 2017 June 16 – Montego Bay International Airport Training
  33. 2017 June 17 – Ocho Rios International Airport Training
  34. 2017 July 10 – Testimony Senate working Group, Force Multipliers, Air Transport Industry
  35. 2017 July 21 – Cartagena Airport, Colombia – Law Enforcement Training
  36. 2017 July 21 – Cartagena Airport, Colombia – Airport personnel Training
  37. 2017 Aug. 14 – Manila International Airport – AirAsia personnel Training
  38. 2017 Aug 15 – Kuala Lumpur International Airport – AirAsia personnel Training
  39. 2017 Aug 16 – Jakarta International Airport – AirAsia personnel Training
  40. 2017 Aug. 18 – Bangkok Intl. Airport – Air Asia personnel Training
  41. 2017 Sept. – Vienna UNODC Global MOU to jointly conduct TIP  – Presentation
  42. 2017 Sept. – Vienna AAI Roundtable, Role of Aviation, IATA, DOS, UNODC
  43. 2017 Sept. – Dubai, Emirates AVSEC Presentation
  44. 2017 Oct. – Singapore, ICAO Presentation
  45. 2017 Oct. – Tirana, Albania, INTERPOL Presentation
  46. 2017 Nov. 27 – McLean, VA., Madeira School Training
  47. 2017 Nov. – Washington DC, United Nations Association Presentation and Awards ceremony
  48. 2017 Nov. – Doha, 2017 INTERPOL Presentation
  49. 2018 Jan. 23 – Minneapolis International Airport pre-Super Bowl Training
  50. 2018 Jan. 30 – Mc Carran Las Vegas International Airport Training
  51. 2018 Feb. 21 – Charlotte International Airport Training
  52. 2018 Apr. 18 – Haneda Tokyo Airport Training
  53. 2018 May 7 – Washington, DC, Testimony to Helsinki Commission  – Presentation
  54. 2018 – May 9 – Miami, Presentation to the Aviation Festival
  55. 2018 May 15 – San Salvador, El Salvador – Hospitality Sector Training
  56. 2018 May 16 – Guatemala City, Uber Drivers Training
  57. 2018 May 17 – Antigua, Guatemala, Hospitality Sector and Uber Training
  58. 2018 May 20 – Geneva, Release of ICAO Guidelines, U.N High Commission on Human Rights, Presentation
  59. 2018 Jun 25 – Fresno Yosemite International Airport – Training
  60. 2018 July 10 – Presentation to AA Regional Airlines
  61. 2018 Aug. 22 – Icelandic Air Training for Trainers – Training Full Day
  62. 2018 Aug. 27 0 AAAE training for Chicago Dept of Aviation Training – Training Full Day
  63. 2018 Aug 29 – Singapore Asia Pacific Aviation Training Symposium – Presentation
  64. 2018 Sept 6 – Association of Asia Pacific Airlines Cabin Safety workshop Presentation
  65. 2018 Sept 18 – Philadelphia International Airport – am Training
  66. 2018 Sept 18 – Philadelphia International Airport – pm Training
  67. 2018 Oct. 28 – Qatar Airways Conference – Presentation
  68. 2018 Nov. 7 – European Airline Training Symposium – Presentation
  69. 2018 Nov. 9 – UN Practical Solutions to eradicating Human Trafficking – Presentation
  70. 2018 Dec. 18 – AAAE training for Chicago Dept of Aviation (Training – Full Day)
  71.  2019 Jan 18 Las Vegas McCarran Airport am Training
  72. 2019 Jan 18 Las Vegas McCarran Airport pm Training 
  73. 2019 Jan 29 Atlanta End Human Trafficking Summit – 5 Presentations
  74. 2019 Feb. 13 Charlotte Airport all day training with AAAE Training 
  75. 2019 Mar.7 – Bucharest, Romania training for US Embassy Training 
  76. 2019 Mar. 8 Bucharest Romania – training for US Embassy Training


AAI / UNODC Partnership

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

After conducting several human trafficking trainings with UNODC Colombia, AAI was invited to sign a global Memorandum of Understanding to partner with the United Nations Office of Drugs and Crime on preventing and combatting trafficking in persons.  Jean Luc de Lemahieu, Director UNODC participated at AAI’s Side event in Vienna in May and used AAI’s example when  he addressed airline companies at the IATA Global Conference.    On September 11 , 2017 Jean Luc signed the partnership agreement with AAI’s president, Nancy Rivard and AAI Board member Lourdes Venes also participated.


Afterwards AAI hosted a Roundtable on the Prevention of Human Trafficking through Air Transportation  in coordination with Youth for Human Rights.  Many thanks to Birgit Karner and Fritz Schebeczek who brought together 25 stakeholders from government, law enforcement, non governmental organizations, private sector and civil society to explore legal and practical opportunities to implement a standardized system in air transportation to illegal transportation of humans. Journalist and media consultant – HeatherWokusch  facilitated: See attached Summary Document from the meeting HERE

Fight Child Trafficking | Airline Ambassaor Int. | Dipl. Akademie Wien 11.09.2017 | © Alfred Nechvatal

Bogota – Human Trafficking Training

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

On August 24, 2016 AAI presented the first training on human trafficking awareness at an airport in Latin America.  Thank you to American Airlines, UNODC and Migracion Colombia and the Ministry of Interior as well as our training team: Andy Valenzuelas, Marcella Loaiza and Alex Restrepo and coordinator – Camilo Sarmiento.       

On Thursday, Aug 25, the training team visited children in a Special Olympics program and brought supplies to children at Ninos por un Nueva Planeta .  We also had meetings at Fundacion RENACER to plan another training and mission in Cartagena.  See pics below

Large TRaining groupCertificate presentationMigracion Colombia with CertificateAndy introduces Andrea


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Recent Press

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Here is a highlight list of news resources since 2010. We strive to remove expired links. If you find one, please contact us and we will remove it. A fuller, downloadable  list going back much farther can be found on our press resources page.

July 11 2018 App developed by Computer Undergrads is one stop shop to stop Human Trafficking Article nu Georgia Tech University highlights app created by Georgia Tech undergrads to be a one stop shop to stop human trafficking.
July 10 2018 The Island Sounder – Buy a bracelet and help a Nepali This article highlights bracelets being sold at Orcas Arts and Crafts and shares the story of AAI member Dr Kate Jewell who leads our missions to Nepal.
July 01 2018  Kudika Magazine – The Stunning Story of Nancy Rivard Andreea Billig wrote an article for Kudika Magazine in Romania – The Stunning Story of the Woman who Changed the Face of the US Aviation Industry. This magazine has half a million facebook fans.
June 25 2018 TV Fresno – KSEE Evening News Reporter Desiree Lopez covered the AAI training as part of the story “Fresno Airport educates employees on how to recognize human trafficking victims. Two Congressional members attended and Alicia Kozakeiwicz AAI survivor trainer was especially impactful along with Andrea Hobart and Leslie Powers.
June 25 2018 Telemundo  51 Fresno – Central Valley –  Story on AAI training as part of the story “Fresno Airport educates employees on how to recognize human trafficking victims. Two Congressional members attended and Alicia Kozakeiwicz AAI survivor trainer was especially impactful along with Andrea Hobart and Leslie Powers.
June 08 2018 TV Local AAI and Just Ask teamed up to provide fundraiser at the Hilton Springfield and raise funds for augmenting curriculum and videos to raise awareness of human trafficking.
June 08 2018 The Connection – A Night to End Human Trafficking Steve Hibbard reported on the benefit for AAI and Just Ask at the Hilton Springfield and raise funds for augmenting curriculum and videos to raise awareness of human trafficking.
May 21 2018 TV Hulu – Where's MJ? AAI Advisor – human trafficking Survivor Barbara Amaya and Kavita Nanavati were guests on this talk show discussing AAI’s work and the importance of a Victim Centered approach.
May 18 2018  Channel 33 El Salvador Conferencia Sobrea Trata Channel 33 covered Crimestoppers Conference at Foreign Ministry highlighting Alejo Campos of Crimestoppers and Nancy Rivard and Kathryn Griffin of Airline Ambassadors.
May 11, 2018  Uniting Aviation – Human Trafficking – Hidden in Plane Sight Article focused on NEW OSCE guidelines for flight crew to recognize and report potential human trafficking.
May 7, 2018  CSPAN of Senate Briefing for Helsinki Commission of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe   Nancy Rivard testified with Blue Campaign  Uber ECPAT  Hotel Association and AirB&B on the role of Travel and Tourism in combating trafficking   Testimony is on AAI website and CSpan coverage at this link
April 23, 2018 U.S. News and World Report – UN Agency Urges Mandatory Training to Combat Trafficking on Flights  Highlights work of AAI and includes quote from Nancy Rivard:
March 18, 2018  Voice of America TV – Airport Workers Trained to Recognize Human Trafficking  Carolyn Presuti as reporter Reporter Lisa Fletcher reports on Airline Ambassadors efforts to educate flight crew to be aware of human trafficking – Highlights Charlotte Airport Training and features  Donna Hubbard.
January 28, 2018  Canadian National Radio – Human Trafficking CBC Radio One  Radio show to audience of 30 M featuring Canada’s new trafficking legislation dealing with human trafficking.  Show included interviews with survivors
January 28, 2018   Just Talk with Sly Young WERA 96.7 FM Human Trafficking  30 minute Interview with Nancy Rivard Airline Ambassador President on
July 10, 2017 ABC News 7 – More flight attendants trained to identify human trafficking   Investigative Reporter Lisa Fletcher reports on Airline Ambassadors efforts to educate flight crew to be aware of human trafficking – interviews with Donna Hubbard and Nancy Rivard
July 26, 2017 Redeemed Ministries – An Interview with Airline Ambassadors  Podcast for Redeed Ministries highlighted AAI and interview with Andrea Hobart
July 21, 2017 Shattered Lives Radio Donna Gore National Podcast  AAI highlighted with participation by Martine Longchamp   Mission Coordintor and Nancy Rivard
July 21, 2017 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Cartagena International Airport   AAI team with UNODC   Alma Valadez   Marcella Loaiza   and Jose Redondo.  Here is a link
July 20, 2017 Senate Testimony  Washington DC   Nancy Rivard provided testimony for Senator Thune’s oesented as part of a panel on the role of the Transportation Industry in the Global Plan of Action to the UN General Assembly
June 19, 2017 Reuters  – Skies are the frontline in fight against human trafficking  Report by Ed Upright on the importance of airlines in the fight for trafficking awareness
June 24, 2017 United Nations General Assembly New York   Nancy Rivard presented as part of a panel on the role of the Transportation Industry in the Global Plan of Action to the UN General Assembly
June 22, 2017 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Ocho Rios International Airport AAI team with Ambassador Curtis Ward   Nancy Rivard   Shere McKenzie and SP Carl Berry Here is a link
June 21, 2017 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Montego Bay International Airport  AI team with Ambassador Curtis Ward   Nancy Rivard   Shere McKenzie and SP Carl Berry Here is a link
June 20, 2017 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Kingston International Airport   AAI team with Ambassador Curtis Ward   Nancy Rivard   Shere McKenzie and SP Carl Berry Here is a link
June 7, 2017 Travellers Aid National Conference Peachtree City  GA   Nancy Rivard and Donna Hubbard presented on AAI’s work combatting human trafficking to thie National Conference for Traveler’s Aid.
June 3, 2017 New York Times –  Airlines Urged to Step Up Fight Against Human Trafficking    Story from IATA Conference in Cancun highlighting Airline Ambassadors and call for airlines to step up their fight
June 3, 2017 Reuters –  Airlines Urged to Step Up Fight Against Human Trafficking   Story from IATA
June 1, 2017 Fort Mill Times Ft. Mill Woman has a plan to stop trafficking – it involves everyone   Story on efforts of Michele Klein to raise Awareness via a screening of the movie SOLD in Ft. Mill SC
May 4, 2017 CBS News WGCL Atlanta  – Flight Attendants fight Human Trafficking   Story on Hartsfield Jackson Atlanta Airport training staff on human trafficking
May 4, 2017 90 2 FM  Atlanta Airport Boost Efforts to Stop Human Trafficking   Story on training at Airport on Trafficking Awareness
May 4, 2017  Morning Edition ATL meets NPR  Atlanta Airport Boost Efforts to Stop Human Trafficking  Story on training at Airport on Trafficking Awareness
May 4, 2017 Morning Edition ATL meets NPR  Atlanta Airport Boost Efforts to Stop Human Trafficking   Story on training at Airport on Trafficking Awareness
May 3, 2017  FOX News _ 6PM Hartsfield Jackson Airport   Story on training at Airport on Trafficking Awareness
May 14, 2017 Chicago Daily Herald Flight Attendants take care for sick children on worldwide flights   Full page feature on Mothers Day on Airline Ambassadors Children Medical Escort Program
May 24, 2017 Side Event at the UNODC Commission on Crime Prevention – Vienna   Nancy Rivard presented with a panel hosted by Airline Ambassadors on the role that airlines could play in the fight against human trafficking
May 22, 2017   Academie Diplomatique    Nancy Rivard   Zekja Momirovic   Greg Pristol and Mary Shuttleworth co presented on our work with Awareness to a prestigious audience.
May 20, 2017 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Anchorage Airport  AAI team with Nancy Rivard   Donna Hubbard and Andrea Hobartn Sheila Jackson Lee also attended and honored AAI with a certificate.   Here is a link
May 3, 2017 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Atlanta International Airport  AAI team with Michele Krick   Lynn Duddy and Donna Hubbard  With support of Jan Lennon of the airport and provided lunch for all 100 attendess   previewed the movie SOLD and provided training highlighting local NGO;
April 12, 2017 Women in the World   Donna Hubbard presented her story at the Prestigious Women in the World in NY
April 12, 2017 UN DPI Conference   AMERICA’S TOP bloger shared abiut AAI as a top human trafficking moduse  BLOGLuci Prosapio shred with NGO’s at this Briefing about Airline Ambassadors International
April 8, 2017 The Points Guy   America’s top blogger highlighted Airline Ambassadors in reporting on the latest in development s in human trafficking awareneness in the airline industry.
April 1, 2017 Aviation Security International Magazine – Eyes Wide Shut   Story on training at Airport on Trafficking Awareness
March 27, 2017 Travel Industry Initiative Launched at UN   AAI President Nancy Rivard shared the launch of Travel Industry Initiative at this event
February 12, 2017 CNN – Flight Attendants fight Human Trafficking
February 12, 2017 United Nations
February 12, 2017 CNN – Flight Attendants fight Human Trafficking
February 6, 2017 NEW YORK TIMES   Feature on flight attendants  efforts to raise awareness on human trafficking – Quotes from Donna Hubbard and Nancy Rivard
February 12, 2017 CNN – Flight Attendants fight Human Trafficking
February 7, 2017   Yahoo – Flight Attendants fight Human Trafficking  3000 stories…below are just some
February 7, 2017 NBC Flight Attendants Train to Spot Human Trafficking
February 7, 2017 Inside Edition With Eyes in the Skies
February 8, 2017 WTSB  You’re not a survivor until you are rescued
February 7, 2017 Tampa Bay – Flight Attendants and Human Trafficking – Donna Hubbard
February 7, 2017  Channel 9  Colorado News Flight Saves Passenger from Human Trafficking
February 7, 2017 Buzzfeed Flight Attendant Saved Girl from Human Trafficking
February 6, 2017 BBC- Flight Attendant saves Teen from Trafficking   Story covered AAI trainings in Houston before the SuperBowl
February 6, 2017 MSN News Eyes un the Skies Flight Attendants   Story covered AAI trainings in Houston before the SuperBowl
February 6, 2017 Fox TV Flight Attendant used secret note to save teen   Story covered Alaska FA Shelia Fredrik
February 6, 2017 NBC Nightly News – Heroic Flight Attendant Rescues Teenage Trafficking Victims   Story covered Alaska Airlinee FA Shalia Frederick and comments by Nancy Rivard
February 5, 2017 News 5 WTSP Flight Attendants Spot Human Trafficking   Story interviews AAI trainer Donna Hubbard on efforts to train airline industry
February 4, 2017   NBC News – Kalhan Rosenblatt Flight Attendants Train to Spot Human Trafficking   Story ion Sheliia Fedrick and AAI’s efforts to stop trafficking – generated 3000 media hits
February 4, 2017 3000 media hits from this story
January 30, 2017 Fox TV Airport Workers Learning to Spot Human Trafficking Victims   Story covered AAI trainings in Houston before the Super Bowl
January 20, 2017 THE REAL TALK SHOW   Jeannie Mai Host of the REAL did a special for Human Trafficking Awareness and highlighted Donna Hubbard and Nancy Rivard as guests on the show?
January 1, 2017  American Way Magazine January Issue– Find US   Full page ad on AAI’s efforts tor January Human Trafficking Awareness month and the FIND US television telethon to raise $$ for human trafficking awareness.
January 20, 2017 Human Trafficking Awareness Training –Nassau Bay  AAI team with Michele Krick   Alicia Kozakeiwicz   Leslie Power presented at City Council Chambers and hosted by the Chief of Police.
January 20, 2017  Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Houston International Airport  AAI team with Nancy Rivard   Donna Hubbard and Andrea Hobartn Sheila Jackson Lee also attended and honored AAI with a certificate.   Here is a link
December 2, 2016  Yahoo Finance- Airline Ambassadors joins Supporters Taking Jordan by Storm Tour  This story highlights the Taking Jordan by Storm Tour with Star Wars designer Sandy Dhuyvetter
December 2, 2016  Bellingham Herald – Airline Ambassadors joins Supporters Taking Jordan by Storm Tour  This story highlights the Taking Jordan by Storm Tour with Star Wars designer Sandy Dhuyvetter International_Joins_Growing_Number_of Supporters_of_Taking_Jordan_by_Storm_Tour
December 2, 2016  BPR Newswire 161 similar articles  – – AAI joins Supporters Taking Jordan by Storm Tour.  This story highlights the Taking Jordan by Storm Tour with Star Wars designer Sandy Dhuyvetter Supporters_of Taking_Jordan_by_Storm_Tour
November 27, 2016  The Compass – Another Shipment heads for Haiti   This story covers the second container shipment to Haiti in the aftermath of Hurricane Matthew. Credit was given to Martine Longchamp of Diakonos International   AAI Missions Coordinator for this for this relief effort.
October 5, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Critical Incident Response Team AA  AAI team with Nancy Rivard   Donna Hubbard and Tammy Meade presented to a crowd of 200 of AA’s Critical Response Team with some of AA’s senior leadership in attendance.
October 14, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Dulles International Airport  AAI team with Michele Krick   Donna Hubbard and Shamere Mackenzie presented at UDC’s program for students   Here is a link to the web story
October 4, 2016  YAHOO FINANCE – Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC  PR Newswire – Celebrities   socialites and leaders from Hollywood and Washington gathered together last week to attend a fundraiser to fight human trafficking. Sponsored by the non-profit Airline Ambassadors International it was the first private and elegant event at the Trump International Hotel since its opening.
October 4, 2016  Market Watch – Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC  PR Newswire – Celebrities   socialites and leaders from Hollywood and Washington gathered together last week to attend a fundraiser to fight human trafficking. Sponsored by the non-profit Airline Ambassadors International it was the first private and elegant event at the Trump International Hotel since its opening.
October 4, 2016  ADVFN Germany  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC  PR Newswire – Celebrities   socialites and leaders from Hollywood and Washington gathered together last week to attend a fundraiser to fight human trafficking. Sponsored by the non-profit Airline Ambassadors International it was the first private and elegant event at the Trump International Hotel since its opening.
October 4, 2016  Arizona Republic  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC  PR Newswire – Celebrities   socialites and leaders from Hollywood and Washington gathered together last week to attend a fundraiser to fight human trafficking. Sponsored by the non-profit Airline Ambassadors International it was the first private and elegant event at the Trump International Hotel since its opening.
October 4, 2016  Albany Business Review –  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC  PR Newswire – Celebrities   socialites and leaders from Hollywood and Washington gathered together last week to attend a fundraiser to fight human trafficking. Sponsored by the non-profit Airline Ambassadors International it was the first private and elegant event at the Trump International Hotel since its opening.
October 4, 2016  Atlanta Business Journal:  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC  PR Newswire – Celebrities  socialites and leaders from Hollywood and Washington gathered together last week to attend a fundraiser to fight human trafficking. Sponsored by the non-profit Airline Ambassadors International it was the first private and elegant event at the Trump International Hotel since its opening.
October 4, 2016  The Business Review:  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC
October 4, 2016  The New Mexico Business Review:  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC
October 4, 2016  The Baltimore Business Review:  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC
October 4, 2016  The Chicago Business Journal :  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC
October 4, 2016  The Cincinnati Business Courier:  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC
October 4, 2016    The Dallas Business Journal:  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC
October 4, 2016   The Los Angeles Business Journal:  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC
October 4, 2016  PR Newswire :  Celebrities gather at Trump Intl Hotel in DC  229 Publications
September 27, 2016 Hollywood on the Potomac   Three page feature article by Joe David on the Angel Ambassador Reception at the Trump International Hotel.   The writer highlighted celebrity guests including Chris Hansen   Eric Roberts and Congressman Chris Smith and Barbara Comstock.  Keaton Simons was also there to launch his SAVE US song and media campaign
September 15, 2016 Washburn Law Student Brings Human Trafficking Awareness to Topeka  Story on efforts of Heather Davis to highlight movie SOLD in Topeka on September 21  2016.  AAI trainers are promoting this movie to raise awareness on human trafficking in their communities.
September 1, 2016 Angels in the Sky – UK CVH 1st Class Group Magazine   This two page magazine feature highlights AAI member and Alaska Flight Attendant Shalia Fedrick   as she talks about her support of human trafficking awareness after losing her best friend to trafficking as a young girl
September 1, 2016  Human Trafficking Awareness Training – AA Train the Trainer  AAI team with Nancy Rivard   Donna Hubbard and  Tammy Meade presented at Flagship University
September 25, 2016  Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Houston International Airport  AAI team with Sandra Hodges   Leslie Power and Donna Hubbard presented with much support from Roslyn Parker.  Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee also attended and honored AAI with a certificate.   Here is a link to the ‎
September 16, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – University of District o Colombia  AAI team with Michele Krick   Donna Hubbard and Shamere Mackenzie presented at UDC’s program for students   Here is a link to the story:…s-training-92116/
August 31, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – San Diego        AAI team Alicia Kozakeiwitcz   Tammy Meade and Nancy Rivard provided a training at San Diego Airport hosted by the city and supported by the Attorney General’s office.
August 30, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Las Vegas   AAI team Marcella Loaiza   Andrea Hobart and Peggy Durfey provided this training hosted by McCarren Airport. Congresswoman Dina Titus attended the training and her legislation and recent FAA regulations Here is a link to the story:
August 22, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness Training – Bogota   AAI team Alex Restrepo   Andy Valenzuelas and Marcella Loaiza provided this training at OPAIN at Bogota airport. The Vice Minister and UNODC participated. ‎
August 7, 2016 Al Cole – People of Distinction Radio Show   Hour long interview with Nancy Rivard on the founding of Airline Ambassadors and the search for meaning and significance behind Traveling to Make a Difference.
June 22, 2016  In Flight Emergency Response – Riga Latvia – Trafficking Awareness Training  AAI team Donna Hubbard   Dave and Nancy Rivard presented in Riga Latvia at the Air Baltic facility as art of this conference by Greenlight.   Here is a link to the story
May 11, 2016 Regional Airline Carriers Association Conference – Charlotte  NC AAI presented best practices from the US and global airport trainings on human trafficking awareness.
April 19, 2016  Presentation to Schipol Airport and KLM employees facilitated by the Dutch government.  AAI presented best practices from the US and offered to provide a Train the Trainer for KLM and Airport staff in Amsterdam once a national protocol is established
April 22, 2016  ABC Evening News – Flight Attendants fight human trafficking and more   Story on AAI  founder Nancy Rivard as part of the Working Women segment by Anchor Alison Starling. Great general coverage on all three of Airline Ambassadors programs.
January 11, 2016   How Airports can Stop Human Trafficking  City Lab “
January 13, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness – Oakland International Airport –    AAI provided training training to employees of Oakland International Airport including presentations by BettyAnn Boeving of the BAATC and a local survivor. AAI trainers included Michele Krick and Jess Reiss.“
January 11, 2016  Human Trafficking Awareness – San Francisco International Airport – TWO Trainings   AAI provided training two trainings at SFO Airport to large crowds supported by presentations from Airport Director John Littlefield and Betty Ann Boeving of the Bay Area Anti Trafficking Coalition.  Congresswoman Jackie Speier also gave an introductory video.  AAI trainers included Nancy Rivard  Michele Krick  Donna Hubbard  Andrea Hobart and Tammy Meade.”
January 13, 2016 Human Trafficking Awareness – San Jose Airport – TWO Trainings  AAI provided training two trainings at San Jose Airport to large crowds supported by presentations from Airport Director Jim Webb and Seargeant Kyle Oki from SJPD. AAI trainers included Nancy Rivard  Andrea Hobart   Donna Hubbard   Alma Valadez and Peggy Durfey.“
January 13, 2016 NBC San Jose  Airport Workers Trained to Detect Human Trafficking   Story on AAI trainings at San Jose to a large group of employees with presentations by airport director Jim Webb   and Sergeant Kyle Oki of San Jose Police Department  Two trainings preceded by press conference with Mayor   Attorney General   Congressman Honda’s office and AAI.
January 11, 2016 FOX  Preventing Human Trafficking during the Super-Bowl   Story on AAI trainings at SFO International Airport featuring comments by AAI Survivor   Donna Hubbard and other trainers Michele Krick providing awareness to employees
January 11, 2016 CBS SFO Holds Human Trafficking Awareness Training Ahead of Super-Bowl 50   Story on AAI trainings at SFO International Airport featuring comments by AAI Survivor   Donna Hubbard and other trainers  Nancy Rivard
January 11, 2016 ABC SF Introducing Initiatives to Stop Sex Trafficking at Super-Bowl   Story on AAI trainings at SFO Internatinal Airpor featuring comments by AAI Survivor   Donna Hummard and other trainers Michele Krick.
January 11, 2016 UNIVISION San Francisco provides training on Human Trafficking before big Game  Story on AAI trainings at SFO International Airport featuring comments by AAI Survivor   Donna Hubbard and other trainers Michele Krick.
January 30, 2016  FOX  Flight Attendants Train to Catch Human Trafficking Before SuperBowl  Story on AAI trainings at Houston International Airport featuring comments by AAI Survivor   Donna Hubbard and other trainers Michele Krick
September 18, 2015 Foundation for a Slavery Free world provides Human Rights Hero Awards  Actress Marisol Nichols hosted the Human Rights Hero Awards where AAI was honored. Short TV piece aired here for LA TV News"
August 15, 2015 Podcast American Public University – /spotting Human Trafficking in Transportation 30 min interview between Stacey Little and Nancy Rivard on ways to recognize human trafficking in the travel industry.
July 30, 2015 CNN Freedom Project 7 Ways to Recognize Human Trafficking AAI acknowledged along with Free the Slaves and Polaris Project for contributing to article on indicators of human trafficking for summer travelers.  Report shares how victims are often trafficked through airports."
February 3, 2015 NBC Bay Area News – SFO workers march for human trafficking awareness Report by Cheryl Hurd of the SFO Initiative that coordinated a march for 150 employees and raised 150,000 for a local safe house – Freedom House.   AAI’s Nancy Rivard shared comments and announced plans for an airport training pre SuperBowl 2015. Local survivor, a graduate of Freedom House, also spoke.
September 25, 2015 Airport Workers Trained to Spot Human Training – Kelly Yamanouchi  article features AAI’s work training Airport personnel on Human Trafficking while focusing on Atlanta’s underground sex economy which generates $290 million per year"
September 18, 2015 Foundation for a Slavery Free world provides Human Rights Hero Awards Actress Marisol Nichols hosted the Human Rights Hero Awards where AAI was honored. Short TV piece aired here for LA TV News"
September 17, 2015 50 Year Old Airline Program Revived to Assist Nepal – Aviation Pros  Article talks about revamp of the Pan Am Dooley Foundation via Airline Ambassadors
August 15, 2015 Podcast American Public University – /spotting Human Trafficking in Transportation  30 min interview between Stacey Little and Nancy Rivard on ways to recognize human trafficking in the travel industry.
July 30, 2015 CNN Freedom Project 7 Ways to Recognize Human Trafficking AAI acknowledged along with Free the Slaves and Polaris Project for contributing to article on indicators of human trafficking for summer travelers.  Report shares how victims are often trafficked through airports."
July 20, 2015 APFA Press Release on Human Trafficking Training at DFW"
April, 2015 A Higher Calling. Nancy Rivard's story and the origins of AAI is described in an article in Freedom Magazine (of the Church of Scientology) "
February 9, 2015 Vice News: A new App will help Flight Attendants Report Human Trafficking. Article highlights work of AAI, Innocents at Risk and Association of Flight Attendants and the Blue Lightening Protocol of AAI "
February 3, 2015 SFO Unites against Human Trafficking . AAI’s Nancy Rivard shared comments after a walk for human trafficking awareness throughout SFO Airport.  The walk raised $150,000 for local safe house – Freedom House, and one of the survivors spoke.   See story "
February 3, 2015 NBC Bay Area News – SFO workers march for human trafficking awareness. Report by Cheryl Hurd of the SFO Initiative that coordinated a march for 150 employees and raised 150,000 for a local safe house – Freedom House.   AAI's Nancy Rivard shared comments and announced plans for an airport training pre SuperBowl 2015. Local survivor, a graduate of Freedom House, also spoke.!/news/local/SFO-Workers-March-For-Human-Trafficking-Survivors/290751461"
January 20, 2015 Human Trafficking Awareness Training for MSP Airport Police . AAI provided two trainings for airport police many thanks to trainers, Nancy Rivard, Michele Krick, Sonda Williams, Wanda Sarnaki and Stephanie Caples.   Two local Safe Houses also joined the discussion  see full story here. "
January 20, 2015 Human Trafficking Awareness Training for Chicago O’Hare Airport AAI provided two trainings for airport personnel with the Dept of Aviation in Chicago. Trainers Nancy Rivard, Michele Krick, Peggy Durfey and survivor, Alicia Kozakeiwitz were joined by Chief Richard Edgeqorth of the Dept of Aviation, and AAI Board member Chris Hansen, host of new TV series – Killer Instinct, as well as representatives from DHS and the Safe Coalition. "
December 10, 2014 Pacifica News / KPFA / KFCF – Los Angeles/ KFCF Fresno – Educating the Public. Evening story Human Trafficking Awareness at airports highlights story of survivor, Liz Williamson and Airline Ambassadors training in Sacramento."
December 8, 2014 Pacifica News / KPFA / KFCF – Los Angeles/ KFCF Fresno – Child Sex Trafficking Pt 2. Evening story Human Trafficking Awareness at airports highlights story of survivor, Liz Williamson and Airline Ambassadors training in Sacramento."
December 8, 2014 Pacifica News / KPFA / KFCF – Los Angeles/ KFCF Fresno – Child Sex Trafficking Pt 1. Evening story Human Trafficking Awareness at airports highlights story of survivor, Liz Williamson and Airline Ambassadors training in Sacramento."
September 11, 2014 Honolulu Evening News – 9/11 celebrated across the country. Evening story on 9/11 events throughout the US including the Gear Up Foundation event on the USS Bowfin Submarine Museum. AAI members read the names of fallen flight crew. The event was graced with world class musicians, and celebrity host Rita Cosby as well as actress Kelly LeBrock
September 3, 2014 KCRA – Channel 3 “I was trafficked through airports in this country: Tom Duhain reports on the Airline Ambassadors training at Sacramento Airport for 120 employees and report includes testimony from Liz Williamson, Sacramento survivor trafficked through airports for many years.!bPEtAP"
June 19, 2014 Phoenix’s plan to fight sex trafficking ahead of the SuperBowl. Natalie Brand on Fox News reported on Human Trafficking Awareness preparations in Phoienix before the 2014 Super-Bowl.  Included clips from AAI’s training there and Ambassadors C’D’Baca.
May 7, 2014 Travel Weekly – Resources for Learning how to fight human trafficking. Kate Rice reports on efforts of Saber’s Passport to Freedom program and Airline Ambassadors providing training for flight crews.
April 16, 2014 San Francisco Chronicle  –   Oakland Airport workers trained to spot sex trafficking. Feature article on Oakland International Training with statements from Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Barbara Bell, as well as District Attorney Nancy O”Malley and more. Airline Ambassadors gave this training on behalf of the Bay Area Anti Trafficking Coalition.
April 16, 2014 San Jose Mercury News  –   Bay Area Airport Workers Learn to identify rafficking Victims. Thousands of victims are shepherded through Bay area airports and article highlighted this training at Oakland Airport
April 16, 2014 San Francisco Times Herald  –   Oakland Airport learned how to spot trafficking victims. Feature article on Oakland International Training with statements from Congresswoman Jackie Speier, Barbara Bell, as well as District Attorney Nancy O”Malley and more. Airline Ambassadors gave this training on behalf of the Bay Area Anti Trafficking Coalition.
April 1, 2014 Abolition Now   –   Of Flights and Freedom.Feature article on Airline Ambassadors and how they became involved in this issue and efforts to combat human slavery.  Pictures of Petra training
February 10, 2014 CBS Channel 5 –  Human Trafficking Hits Home. Story highlighting Human Trafficking Awareness Training in Phoenix highlighting story of AAI trainer and survivor of human trafficking – Petra Hensley.
February 10, 2014 CBS Channel 5 –  Human Trafficking Hits Home. Story highlighting Human Trafficking Awareness Training in Phoenix highlighting story of AAI trainer and survivor of human trafficking – Petra Hensley.
February 23, 2014 Aviation News A major Bay Area airport is joining a growing effort to stop human trafficking, one of the fastest growing crimes in the world. Full story from KGO – ABC made available via this network
January 30, 2014 CNN International News Interview with Nancy Rivard about the work of Airline Ambassadors in educating flight crew and the significance of this prior to the SuperBowl.
January 27, 2014 ABC World News Tonight – Diane Sawyer Coverage of the training of airline crews to be aware of human trafficking.  Footage of San Jose training and short clip of Nancy Rivard in context of preparations for SuperBowl.
January 27, 2014 Voice of Russia – Sex Trafficking and Airlines, an untapped solution Interview after Congressional Hearing with Nancy Rivard, AAI, Deb Sigmund (IOR) and Ben Brasby (firestick) about efforts to quell the tide of human trafficking.
January 27, 2014 Arizona Central Trafficking of humans a worry for Super Bowl Coverage of preparation of the Superbowl and the Congressional Hearing on this issue. Quotes AAI President Nancy Rivard
January 17, 2014 CBN News – SuperBowl: N.J. Preps to Combat Trafficking Story on the Congressional Hearing where AAI testified along with the TIP Office, DHS, Amtrack, Delta Airlines and a survivor of Human Trafficking : Holly Smith.
January 23, 2014 KGO Radio 3 PM Area anti- trafficking coalition to a trafficking is the fastest right carotid in the world the seminar the Minetta San Jose airport explained that victims of child trafficking are often young children.
January 23, 2014 KLIV AM Radio 2 PM Release on human trafficking he is evidently becoming enough of an issue with airports nationwide workers of the memo San Jose airport have been given special training on how to spot suspected traffickers that training being conducted today.
January 23, 2014 Bay Area News at 6 PM NBC Specialized training for hundreds of workers at San Jose Airport. Airport workers are being asked to pay close attention to little clues. NBC Bay Area's Damien Trujillo reports.
January 23, 2014 KTVU Channel 2 News 6 PM FOX Employees at San Jose airport received training on how to spot human traffickers and their victims. According to the FBI, 300,000 children are trafficked in the United States every year.
January 23, 2014 KGO 4PM News ABC Minetta San Jose International Airport joined effort to stop human trafficking.  Airport partnered with Congressman Mike Honda, Airline Ambassadors and Bay Area Coalition to End Human Trafficking.
January 23, 2014 KPIX 5 Noon News (CBS) San Jose airport is training staff to spot and stop human trafficking. a training just wrapped up with Congressman Mike Honda.
January 23, 2014 KGO San Francisco – 11:00 am News ABC7  – Matt Keller Reports  Human tracking the fastest growing crimes in the world. San Jose international airport is partnering with the coalition that includes Congressman Mike Honda.
January 18, 2014 Travel Talk Radio 30 minute show on Airline Ambassadors programs for Children’s Escorts, Humanitarian Missions and Human Trafficking Programs and ways for ordinary people to Travel and Make a difference.
January 1, 2014 American Way Magazine – (In Flight Magazine)- Flight Attendants on a Mission Airline Ambassadors epitomizes the relatively new concept of voluntourism.  Article on AAI and its mission. :
December 24, 2013 CBS Channel 5 Phoenix – Their Job is to Keep you Safe. Interview with Nancy Rivard regarding AAI’s initiative training airline personnel to recognize and report Human Trafficking
December 4, 2013 Channel 9 News – Washington DC Airlines raise Awareness to Fight Human Trafficking. News interview with Nancy Rivard regarding airlines and the importance of awareness of Human Trafficking.
December 1, 2013 American Way Magazine: Airline Ambassadors. Story on Airline Ambassadors efforts to support orphans and vulnerable children worldwide.
November 23, 2013 CNN News Airline Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking. 8 minute feature of CNN News in the aftermath of London trafficking incident, highlighting AAI’s initiative training airline personnel to recognize and report Human Trafficking
November 23, 2013 Safe America Foundation Blog : Flight attendants seek to end Human Trafficking. Story on Airline Ambassadors initiative to train flight attendants to be aware of “signs” that passengers might be involved in Human Trafficking and noted that flight attendants will go to Capitol Hill in February 2014 .
November 1, 2013 Ascend Magazine, (for Airline Executives) Training Travel and Tourism Professionals Can Help Save Lives. Feature Story on Airline Ambassadors training for Saber employees and in the industry raising awareness about Human Trafficking. Picture depicts event at Ukraine Embassy with Ambassador Motsyk and members from American, Delta, USAIR, United, Silver and Hilton employees.
November 1, 2013 Ascend Magazine, Keep Your Eyes Open – Rescuing a Child from Her Perpetrator. Second feature story by AAI Board Chairman, Patty McPeak, recounting her experience identifying a child trafficker on a Delta flight while leaving an AAI mission
October 23, 2013 CNN I Report We Care for Humanity and Airline Ambassadors Joined forces at Several sites in the Philippines. Article about joint mission to the Philippines with We Care for Humanity and Airline Ambassadors visiting projects in Abatex and Zambales. Humanitarian team of 11 brought funding, clothing and supplies to children near the dumpsite and also Shepherd of the Hills orphanage.
October 6, 2013 CNN I Report – Airline Ambassadors courses to prevent human trafficking complimentary to ICTP Council Members.  Article about Airline Ambassadors training courses available to members of ICTP.
October 1, 2013 Aviation Security International – Global Journal of Airport and Airline Security. A 5 page article addressing the issues of airline/airport Security highlighting Airline Ambassadors efforts to bring this to the aviation community and featuring their wallet cards and outreach to airports and airlines.
October 1, 2013 More than 50 Countries represented by Ambassadors and Political Leaders, Budapest, Hungary. The Lantos Foundation and Tom Lantos Institute took the lead in combatting anti-semitism at this important conference in Hungary.  Katrina Lantos Swett addressed the audience and Airline Ambassadors was mentioned as part of this effort to stand up for human rights
September 12, 2013 The Hill: Ukraine : A Strategic European Partner of the United States. Full page article discusses Ukraine as a strategic partner of the United States, with quotes from Senator Chris Murphy (D – Conn) and Congressman Smith (R – New Jersey) who commented: Ukraine hosted its first flight crew anti-trafficking training.  I commend Ukraine for the work it has done to focus attention on the 600,000 to 800,000 trafficking victims moved across international borders each year.
September 10, 2013 Malibu Chronicle details the story of Anna Maldonado.
June 10, 2013 Press Release OSCE  In Ukraine Smith Plan to Attack Human Trafficking from the Air Takes Off
June 10, 2013 EuroNews about the first training of flight crew in Ukraine.
October 14, 2012 Deseret News More Awareness from the general public needed in the Fight Against Human Trafficking
September 26, 2012 E-Turbo News Training team educates Sabre Employees
June 28, 2012 PR Web Human Trafficking and Sexual Slavery are a Billion Dollar Industry
March 27, 2012  E-Turbo News Global Industry News: Human Trafficking Awareness Training at Washington National Airport
March 13, 2012 Huffington Post San Francisco Airport Human Trafficking Prevention
March 12 , 2012 San Francisco Chronicle SFO Kicks of Program to Help Detect, Stop Human Trafficking
March 26, 2012 Washington DC Anti Human Trafficking Awareness
July 13, 2011 Christian Science Monitor Human Trafficking – Private Citizens deputized in the global fight :
January 30, 20ll AOL News Airline Crews to Ground Sex Traffickers Heading to SuperBowl"
September 23, 2010 CNN Trafficking Segment featuring Nancy Rivard
October  2010 American Way Article The human cost of trafficking  PDF here or the story here.
February 22, 2010 Caribbean Media Exchange : Airline Staff for Haiti Hailed. You can view the PDF here or the original post here.
February 2, 2010 Airline Ambassadors International : LDS Charities provide monumental support during Haiti earthquake relief. You can read the press release here.

Copyright 2015 Airline Ambassadors International. Legal. Website maintained by Dan Byrne