Sharing love and giving hope

AIRLINE AMBASSADORS provided aid to 21 orphanages, schools, handicapped facilities and remote communities in 2012 delivering $196,308 in aid supporting children’s welfare. We completed construction of seven Safe Houses for trafficked children in the cities of Belledare, Port au Prince, Miraguan, Mirebalais, Quanaminthe and LeCaye. We provided shoes, clothing, toys, arts and sports equipment and in many cases hosted a party where aid was given as part of the celebration. Our teams delivered soccer equipment to L’Athletique program in HAITI, providing recreation and food to 3000 children near Citie Soleil. We provided dozens of musical instruments to the music school that collapsed during the earthquake. Our teams provided supplies and built a playground for Ninos de Christo orphanage in the DOMINICAN REPUBLIC. AAI conducted similar activities for children in JAMAICA, PHILIPPINES, ECUADOR, and COLOMBIA. In 2013 our Youth Ambassador Hannah Hoobyar, collected 3,000 teddy bears for children suffering in the aftermath of the Oklahoma tornadoes in the USA.

Child welfare was also addressed with our pioneering work in Human Trafficking. AAI has provided over 20 trainings at airports and other locations and in June 2013, provided the first training for flight crews in Europe at the annual meeting of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe.

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