
Airline Ambassadors gives heartfelt thanks to American Airlines for sponsorship and support of our programs. The support of AAI members traveling on Humanitarian Missions, Children’s Medical Escorts as well as mileage support through AA Miles for Kids in Need has supported our work helping children around the world. AA’s internal and external communications support have meant so much to our work. AA featured a static in-flight piece on 777 airplanes and has shared a 30 second PSA with passengers. In 2017 and 2018 they highlighted our human trafficking awareness work with a full page ad in American Way

Airline Ambassadors began with AA flight attendants using their pass privileges to help children and we have become the only overall charity of the airline industry. We are very grateful for ongoing support from American and look forward to expanding a humanitarian partnership with the new American Airlines helping children worldwide.

Copyright 2015 Airline Ambassadors International. Legal. Website maintained by Dan Byrne