

You don’t have to be an airline employee… Everyone is welcome… Join Us!

Airline Ambassadors enables members to serve our global community and express their fundamental selflessness, generosity and compassion. We have over 6,000 members including airline personnel, health professionals, business executives, housewives, teachers and students.

We are a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and all memberships are fully tax-deductible. The basic membership of $50.00 per year enables you to participate in our programs. For a donation of a higher level, you will receive a complimentary Airline Ambassadors International lapel pin and luggage tag. All donations will enable us to help more children world wide. Less than 2% of donated funds go towards administrative overhead.

Membership Benefits

1. The opportunity to travel and make a difference.
2. Participating in hands on relief and development projects.
3. Personal growth and development on issues of international development and human trafficking.
4. Networking with government, business and non-profit leaders.

To join us, please sign up using our membership form.

If you are already a member and you would like to renew, please click here.

If you are already a member of Airline Ambassadors International, visit the Members Area for membership renewal, updating your profile and other support documents through our member portal.

Copyright 2015 Airline Ambassadors International. Legal. Website maintained by Dan Byrne