Airline Ambassadors International  is most grateful for your generous support and participation.

Our teams have hand delivered over $60 million in medicine, medical supplies, food, clothing and school supplies directly to children in need; and escorted over 3,000 children for life changing surgeries.  We established long-term relationships between youth around the world and offered emotional support and hope to children in 94 facilities, villages and refugee camps. With the help of our members and partners we have been able to substantively improve the lives of over 500,000 children in 62 countries.

We also positively impacted volunteers with inspiring opportunities to bring compassion into action. This enhanced their understanding of global inequity, respect for diverse cultures and appreciation of our common humanity.

Airline Ambassadors International is the only international aid and development organization to leverage the capabilities of the airline industry and provide for orphans and vulnerable children. We provide low-cost transportation, transport of goods, and direct delivery to children in orphanages, clinics and remote communities. We began as airline personnel but have grown to thousands of members of all ages and backgrounds who act as a human link - connecting world resource to world need.

We could not accomplish our work without the support of our partners, including:

  • NGOs such as Healing the Children, Mending Kids International, New Horizons, Feed My Starving Children, Rotary and UNICEF
  • Businesses such as American Airlines and United Airlines, Delta, JetBlue, Southwest and US Airways, Hilton Hotels
  • Governmental relationships such as the U.S. Congress, The United Nations, The World Tourism Organization, Embassies, and civic leaders in fifteen US cities.

Our most recent leadership in the arena of Human Trafficking Awareness in the travel industry is unparalleled. We have provided trainings at dozens of airports and other locations. This effort  is slowly taking hold as the industry realizes that we all must work together in the protection of the public good.

This letter of thanks and appreciation goes out to our benefactors and volunteers who have generously contributed their resources, time and passion and to the children who await our help worldwide.

In Shared Dedication,

Nancy Rivard
President and Founder, Airline Ambassadors International
Copyright 2015 Airline Ambassadors International. Legal. Website maintained by Dan Byrne