Standard communications

Annual Reports – A list of downloadable annual reports, ordered by year.

eUpdates – Our mailings to our members. Sent every month.


Logs and Blogs

Recent News – Links to more recent stories about AAI.

Publicity Log – A list of older publicity items about AAI sorted in year order, since 1995.

News on our website – A list of all articles tagged as news on the AAI website.

Press Releases – A list of important press releases about AAI


Downloadable Summaries and resources

Fact Sheet – A list of useful quotes and information about AAI.

AAI Logo– Full resolution copy of our logo.

 AAI Logo (Jpg) – AAI Horizontal Logo.

AAI Logo (Small) – Smaller version of the AAI Logo.

Congressional Recognition

OSCE Press Release – After the meeting of the Organization of Security and Cooperation in Europe this Press Release was sent highlighting Congressman Smith’s Initiative to stop Human Trafficking in the air.  The Congressman had just participated in the AAI training for transportation personnel in Ukraine.  See release here.

Letter from Congresswoman Jackie Speiers to Airline Execs.  – After the AAI training at SFO kicking off our airport trainings in the U.S. Congresswoman Speiers wrote to Airline Execs at each major airline encouraging them to get involved. Her letter to President Tom Horton of American Airlines is  here.

Letter from Congressman Smith – Congressman Smith helped coordinate our first Congressional Briefing to airlines and sent this letter of support to show support of our airport training and outreach.

House document on Katrina – After the Katrina disaster, the work of Nancy and David Rivard was recognized by representative Tom Lantos. You may also view the congressional record directly, here.

Honoring Nancy Rivard in the 108th Congress – In the 108th Congress, Nancy Rivard was noted for the remarkable work that she does. You may also view the congressional record directly, here.


Print Media Covers

Reader’s Digest Nancy was recognized by Reader’s Digest in their American Heroes series.

Biography Magazine – Nancy was profiled in Biography magazine.

Copyright 2015 Airline Ambassadors International. Legal. Website maintained by Dan Byrne